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Yeonjun spent the entirety of the next day learning how Beomgyu lived. His curiosity needed to be fulfilled—he needed to know the most intricate workings of Beomgyu's life so he knew how to claim him sooner.

His day started out at dawn, just in case Beomgyu was an early riser. Once again, no one seemed to pay any mind to the man just standing across the street, watching. Maybe they didn't recognize him from last night, or maybe they just didn't care. If anyone were to ask, he would just tell them he was waiting for someone, and that would be that. Homourbanis.

Beomgyu woke up around 10 a.m., or at least that's when he toddled over to the window and pulled the curtains wide open, still clad in his pajamas and his hair a bit unruly. Yeonjun couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. One day, he wouldn't have to stand here on the sidewalk to see Beomgyu's morning appearance. No, he would wake up next to it, and he could drink the younger in for all his glory.

He curled up on the couch with a cup of who-knows-what and scrolled through his phone, cracking a small smile occasionally. Yeonjun prayed he wasn't texting someone else, someone he would have to compete with. He doesn't take well to competition, and he couldn't be sure he would give up easily.

Eventually, he stood and disappeared behind a door Yeonjun couldn't see into, probably his bedroom. Yeonjun took this time to fantasize about what was going on. Was he getting undressed? What color were his sheets and bedspread? Does he have little photographs sitting around? What was it like inside those four walls, and when was he ever going to see it?

Half an hour later, Beomgyu strolled back to the window, dressed in black with shiny makeup that caught the light even from the street below. He pulled the curtains closed once again, leaving Yeonjun's heart inquisitive and longing. He figured the younger was preparing to go out, so he pulled his cap down lower and placed his phone up to his ear in mock conversation. Just a couple minutes later, Beomgyu strode out of the front door of the building, his chunky highlights careening through the streets of Seoul.

Yeonjun let him get a few yards down the sidewalk before he crossed the street and casually followed behind. The younger moved quickly and with a purpose, not unlike anyone else in Seoul, but there was something about the way he moved that drew attention. He was a person, just like everyone else, but he was likewise completely different. He didn't look like any of them, and he didn't seem to have the same goals as any of them either. He was just Beomgyu, whatever that meant. Yeonjun wasn't sure what being Beomgyu instilled, but for better or for worse, he was going to figure it out. Learning all the ins and outs of Beomgyu was a requisite, one that he was destined to satisfy.

A few blocks later, Beomgyu dipped into a quaint coffee shop. The shop was bustling with life, a line of customers nearly leading out the door. Yeonjun stepped into the back of the line, just for a few more minutes of observation. He could easily stage a meeting here, but it didn't feel right. Patience. Just until tomorrow.

He quirked an eyebrow as Beomgyu disappeared behind the counter. What was he doing? A few moments later, he emerged with an apron wrapped around his thin waist and a determined expression on his face. Oh, he works here. With another glance around, it was quite fitting that this is where Beomgyu chose to be employed. At the far right corner of the shop, there was a small stage with a single stool and microphone. Yeonjun wondered if Beomgyu ever sat on that stool and sang for the inattentive crowds, if maybe that microphone was what drew him to this shop in the first place.

Yeonjun returned his gaze to Beomgyu, who was laughing at something a coworker said. He loved his smile, and couldn't wait to be the one that caused it, instead of whoever this unworthy coworker was. That was until the coworker turned around, and revealed himself to be none other than Lee Heeseung. How fitting, two best friends working together and attending the same university. He knew they were close, but he couldn't help but feel jealousy bubble up in his stomach, making his face grow hot.

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