The Immortals

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BEEEEEEP! The sound of my alarm clock woke me. I groaned loudly and pushed the covers off of me.

I walked into my bathroom and started to brush my long purple hair.

*And yet another first day of school* I thought to myself.

"Tagara(Tah-gar-ah) sweety come down for breakfast" my mom called out.

"UGG comeing mom" I rolled my eyes and continued to brush my hair.

I put my fingers on my cheek and stared at the black swirled mark on my face.

*like always people will make fun of me* I thought to myself.

I have had this mark ever since I was born. Every time I ask my mom why I have it and how i have it she says she will tell me when the time is right.

Every time people ask me I have to tell them it's a tattoo. For this everyone assumes my parents are some syco freaks for getting me a tattoo when I was about starting to go to kindergarten.

Some of them didn't even know what a tatto was. I don't blame them though they were really youg including me.

The only person that didn't care was my best friend shayla(shay-la). She has long pink hair usually in two pony tails and adorable baby blue eyes.

I reached for my flat iron and quickly did my hair. I grasped onto my back pack and threw it over my back heading downstairs.

My mom walked over to the table and placed down a plate with bacon and waffles.They didn't taste as good as usually but I ignored of. I ate as fast as I could and rushed out the front door hoping not to miss the bus the first day of school again.

I smiled thankfully that no one I knew that would make fun of me was at my bus stop.

After waiting about 5 minutes in the rain, the bus pulled up and the doors creaked open.

We all climbed onto the bus and I chose a seat next to shayla. And of corse Tiffany chooses a seat right behind me. She is the one I have lived in fear of since kindergarten.

About two minutes into the ride Tiffany makes a smart ass comment saying. "At least we don't have a tattoo like some people". Her whole dumb possy laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Dont listen to them there just jealous" shayla tried to help but it just got me more mad of corse.

"what are they jealous of this big fat black mark across my face! Oh I'm sure their dying to have one just like it" I raised my voice a bit at Shayla, and then turned to face the window.

" we'll I don't think it's ugly" she tryed to calm me.

"Dont lie shayla" I snickered crossing my hands.

The bus came to a big stop and we all flew forward. A loud screeeetch came from the bus and then it was completely still.

"well were here, wich also means another day of hell"

" Come on " Shayla pulled me off the bus with her.

After school I hung out with Shayla for a bit and then headed home.

As I opened the front door mom asked " how was your day". "do I really need to answer that" I pointed out.

" we'll I mean your classes, teachers, etc."

" terrific" I lied.

"it sounds like you should get some relaxation, go on upstairs".

I nodded my head and headed up stairs. I fell onto my bed and sighed in relief.

All of a sudden I started to feel strange. There had been an acheing pain in my back all day.

My 16th birthday was a couple of days away and the closer it got the weirder I felt.

I have always felt strange when my birthdays were near but this one was different.

I suddenly herd mom talking to dad and I peeked out of my room

Listening in.

" the closer it gets to her birthday the sooner she will notice"!

"well we need to hurry and get her to that new school"

* new school? What the hell were they talking about? Mom never said anything about a new school*

" so what are the side effects she will start to have"

"Back pains, teeth pains, butt pains,her mark will glow, she will also feel light headed , like night better especially the moon, and blood cravings"

*I hed everything but the last one! Something about craving? I am so lost and confused!*

" so when do you plan on telling her"?

" in a few days or so"

"FEW DAYS! She will notice by then"!

" well lets hope she doesn't figure our she's a Sulky Wolf Vampire"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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