Part 47

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Alexis' POV:

It was early morning.  4am to be exact.  Nichole was still asleep, but I had woken up early because I couldn't sleep because this was the day that Nikki was flying to Los Angeles for two weeks.  Two long, agonizing weeks.  And honestly, I was dreading every second of it.  Because I absolutely hated being without her.  

Because even though, over the years, in many ways, I had managed to find my own independence, and had become a much stronger, confident, self-resilient woman, I still leaned on Nikki and relied on her for many things.  Because she was my rock.  My stronghold.  My protector.   My safe place.  She was always there to help me and to love and support me.  And I knew I could always depend on.  No matter what.  

So yes, being without her was always hard, as I had become accustomed to her always being with me.   But it was even harder now, more than ever, because I was pregnant, and now 12 weeks along.   So, I knew being without her was going to be a challenge.

And speaking of pregnancy, as much as I loved being pregnant, it definitely had its ups and downs.  To say the least.  In fact, it was a day to day thing.   Some days I felt good.  I was chipper and full of energy, and ready to take on the world.  Other days, I was completely fatigued, so much so, that I was so exhausted that I could barely even  get out of bed.  

And now, out of the blue, I was facing a new challenge.  Something that I hadn't quite expected, or even anticipated.   At least not to this magnitude.  Something that was quickly overtaking my pregnancy, and I honestly, didn't quite know how to deal with it.  And what it was... was I was moody.  Plain and simple.  Completely moody.  To the point where I was beginning to have uncontrollable mood swings.  All over the place.  To the point where I could go from happy one minute to feel like crying the next.  I was easily irritated.  Quick to anger,  but just as quick to become happy and cheerful all over again.  Then, the cycle would repeat.  So yes,  I was a complete, emotional roller coaster.  And worst of all, I was beginning to feel fat, even though I wasn't yet showing.   And all of it was adding up to one thing.  I no longer felt like myself.  At all.  And I didn't know how to feel about it, or how to even deal with all of it.

In fact, it had gotten so bad, that I had recently confided in Nikki about how I was feeling.  But at the same time, I didn't want to overburden her with it, because she was already dealing with more than enough.  And plus, now, she was leaving.  For two long weeks.  And more than anything, I wanted to make our last moments together loving and memorable, and something that we could look back on fondly, while she was away. 

And what better way to do that?  Hmmm.  Well, I kinda had an idea.

She had an early flight, but we still had a few hours before she had to leave.  So, we had plenty of time.  She was laying next to me, still fast asleep.  And as much as I hated to wake her, because she was in such a deep, peaceful sleep,  I wanted her.  Plain and simple.  I wanted her in the worst way, and to be intimate with her and to feel connected and close to her.  One last time.  Before she had to go. 

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.  And honestly, it felt heavenly, as she was completely naked, as I was, as well .  And just feeling her body pressed against mine, immediately began to awaken all of my senses. 

I brushed her dark hair to the side and grazed my lips along her neck.  And as I did, I couldn't help but to take in her scent.  She smelled so incredibly good.  Like vanilla and lavender.  It was her signature scent.  And I could never get enough. 

I then placed soft, velvety kisses along her jawline, causing her to gently stir, as my lips brushed against her skin.  Then, just as softly, I pressed my lips against hers.  Her full lips were soft and pouty, and just so completely irresistible.  And again... I could never get enough.  

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