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#FIND ME: English Version

"Hey Nu, why aren't you dressed up there? We're going to the pier so we can get to Manila right away" Said Anna, one of my friends here in the province of Cebu

"Yes, here I am, preparing my things" because we are going to Manila today to get a passport to go abroad. Since my parents left me, it was difficult for me to find a place to live. Because according to what Aleng Lilya said, the father had a lot of debt so they were forced to mortgage the house. It is said that he and his mother had an accident in a crash near the first bridge, they did not survive and lost their lives. I don't have a brother or other relatives so here I am now scrambling so that I can help with the expenses here in what I rent. It's good that someone offered Anna a job and I had nothing so she took the opportunity. I packed my things and we left my rental

"Are you alright? Don't be nervous, I know it's your first time working in a foreign country but it won't take long to get used to it, the salary is also big so we won't lose money, oh hey come on" then we boarded a tricycle to the terminal. We boarded a bus so we went straight to Manila. After one day we finally arrived in Manila. You will see many large buildings and infrastructures. It's so beautiful to watch it seems like it's in another country

"We'll be right here" after that, we took our things and got off the bus. We went straight to NAIA, showed our passports and eventually got on the plane. It's not like it's the first time I've ridden. It's like I've been on a ride before or I feel like it

"Oh, it seems we don't see each other often in Thailand, how come my boss is different" Anna said angrily

"That's fine, just see you, shall we?"

"Of course" the last thing I remembered was two years ago, I woke up in the hospital with an unknown person, I was hit by a speeding truck, they said it was a good thing and the wound I sustained was not serious. I don't remember anything about the day I woke up. I asked the nurses, they said they don't know me and I don't know anyone either. I didn't force my memory to come back because I just had a headache

"That's why you're so quiet"

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to say, so I'll just keep quiet"

"You know Nu, If I didn't know you, I'd probably mistake you for being stuck"

"Is that so"

"Oum..well, I feel like you used to be rich"

"How did you say that?"

"The smoothness of your skin, the eyelashes of your eyes like a pet, the white mop and the beauty of your face"

"Not everyone with this face is rich"

"But that's just my feeling" ahww...I also noticed something strange about my bodies. Not Because I'm obviously poor because of my skin. It is white and has no scars except for the scars I got during the accident

"Oh my...we're here" Anna said excitedly. Who wouldn't be fascinated by the beauty of Thailand, It's different compared to Manila. A car stopped in front of us and the man in the suit got out

"Are you Mr. Nu Chawarin?" does he know me?


"Mr. Zee wants me to fetch you" I looked at Anna

"I didn't tell you that Mr. Zee is your boss, so go with him, he can be here, my co-worker will also pick me up" it's good that he was with me and I wasn't. No choice but to get in the car. Obviously love this car and the scent. After a few minutes of our flight, we immediately arrived at my boss's house. I got out of the car and was stunned by the beauty of the outside of the house

"Wow" it's only a 2 story house but it's stylish from the outside. The bodyguard took me inside. If it's beautiful outside, how about the length of the house? I wasn't wrong, the items are obviously expensive and most of them are glassware. I think I'm going to have a hard time here. But I'm just a driver so why should I have a hard time? I know how to drive because Anna taught me

"Wait here, and don't move, wait until Master Zee come out"

"Yes Sir" then I nodded again. I'll take care of the surrounding area first

I observed the surroundings first. It's beautiful and you won't get tired of looking at the designs and pictures on the wall. Wait picture? I moved closer to the pictures to get a closer look. Something caught my attention. The man looking seriously at the camera. There was no joy on his face. I think this one is rude. I think he is the only child because he is the only one I see among the couple. When I got tired of looking at the photos, I suddenly bumped into something. Not a wall but a person. My little eyes suddenly widened when I saw the man in the picture earlier. But I'm also wondering, why does he seem shocked to see me? I also see in his eyes.....What is that? Why do I feel like I want to...kiss him?


Hello @ecahrazali, here's your request

A/n: I'm not good at English but I can continue to write this as soon as possible. Bare my poor English.

Note! This is a purely imagination so don't take it seriously. Thank you and happy reading. Love you readers ❤️❤️

Find Me English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now