Chapter 7

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A/N: Hello my dear readers and supporters, I just want to say thank you for reading my story. I appreciate your effort and time, reading my story. Let me know your thoughts about this story by commenting. Thank you 💗😘


Nu lazily got out of bed, unsure why he felt like just lying down. But he had to work. Zee had left for work earlier for a meeting he needed to attend. Nu got up from his bed and took a shower. He went to the kitchen and had his breakfast. Teresa was nowhere to be found, so the house was quiet.

Their plan to go out with Teresa and Anna didn't push through because Zee took him to England for a business trip. They decided to do it another day. Nu wore light grey slacks with a white tucked-in t-shirt. He grabbed his bag and hailed a taxi to Z.N Company. He arrived at the company and saw some of his co-workers busy talking. He headed straight to the elevator and pressed the button for his office. He encountered a few people along the way.

"Who was that with Sir Zee earlier? She's beautiful, right?" a woman beside him said.

"I only saw her just now. Maybe she's his girlfriend," Nu thought to himself. Girlfriend? But I'm his boyfriend, Nu thought to himself.

Suddenly, a pang of pain struck his chest. It felt like his heart was being squeezed by what he heard. He knew it was just hearsay, but it affected him.

He arrived at his office without realizing it. He sat on his swivel chair and massaged his temples. His head seemed to ache from what his co-workers were saying earlier. He called Zee.

"Yes, hello?" a woman answered. Who was this? Why does she have Zee's phone? Nu had many questions running through his mind.

"Ahmm..." he hung up the call. He couldn't bring himself to talk to whoever that was. He went to Zee's office. It wasn't far from his own. He heard a woman's voice. Zee's office must not be soundproof. He just listened to the voice from outside.

"Zee, someone called you earlier" the woman who answered before said.

"Who was it?" Zee asked.

"He didn't introduce himself" the woman replied snobbishly. Nu felt like going inside and saying "He is my boyfriend, and you're flirting with him." Why didn't he save the number or have a name? It hurt him.

"Zee, when are you coming back to the Philippines? Mommy misses you."

"Tell Auntie I'm still busy. Maybe the day after tomorrow."

"Really? Yehh... I really love you, Zee." Nu couldn't bear to hear the words anymore. He left, feeling dismayed. He was hurting now. He didn't realize he was already crying. He walked like a fool, crying.

Kathy, Zee's secretary, saw him. She approached him.

"Are you okay, Nu? What happened?" she worriedly asked.

"It's nothing. I'm fine" Nu nodded, and Kathy left him for the moment. He walked towards his own office.

Zenith visited his office, and he was surprised to see her. It had been years since he last saw her. The last time he visited their home, she was still little. It had been a long time since he heard any news about her since he went to Thailand.

"What are you doing here, Zenith?"

"Oh, we haven't seen each other in years, and that's all you're going to say? I'm sulking" Zenith was his sibling. He was twenty-five years old when he went to Thailand to take care of the business their late father left behind. Since then, he hadn't had a chance to visit again due to being too busy and having no time for anything else. But sometimes, when he wasn't too busy, he would visit their home in the Philippines.

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