Chapter 22 - All's Fair in Love & War

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Sten Ironwarg

"God's, I need a fucking drink." Today had been an absolute nightmare. I finally got a chance to get some shut-eye after riding to Blackwater Hold and back, only to find that Brenna had returned within hours of me being back. It was a miracle that Jasper didn't slaughter me out in the hall this morning. Gods, these fucking humans are like cockroaches.

I stared at the ceiling from my bed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I should be going to the Great Hall, but I knew Korrine would be there looking for me to welcome me home. After having that dream again, reliving the worst day of my life, and then seeing Jasper going through it, I accepted that there was no fixing myself. The door to my quarters swung open. "Fucking hell, Torsten. have you heard of knocking. You're lucky I don't have a woman in here."

Torsten laughed, "Sure, boss. You don't think we haven't noticed you avoiding that little maid. Chief wants you to come to the Great Hall. Said something about weeding out snakes or some shit."

"For fuck's sake." I ignored Torsten's smart-ass comment, pulled myself up from the bed, and threw on my boots.

I stepped out into the corridor and could feel the vibration of drums traveling up from the Great Hall. Those all-too-familiar sounds were a constant comfort, but the closer I walked, the more my chest tightened. I could not face that woman. I knew I'd only disappoint her. As we walked through the archway into the Great Hall, I saw Korrine's golden hair.

Torsten gave me an odd expression as I turned and dipped back into the hallway, hoping Korrine had not seen me. Look at me, a fucking orc hiding from a woman like a coward. Just as I was about to look again to see if it was clear, Korrine darted out into the hall and wrapped her arms around me.

"Sten! Thank the Gods. I have been so worried about you." This girl deserves more than I can give her. Here she is, worried about me, waiting for me. I have to end this. I'll only hurt her somehow if I let this continue. "I have something I want to tell you."

I cut her off, "Korrine, I can't talk right now." I peeled her off of me.

"But- it's important," she said, her golden eyes looking into me.

"I have work to do, Korrine." I need to get it over with. It's for the best. "Listen. I should have said this from the start, woman, but I thought it was clear. I'm not looking for a relationship."

The look of shock spread across her face. "But- I thought you cared for me," she squeaked.

"I do- but I can't give you what you want. It's best if you find an interest in someone else. I'm sorry."

"Oh." Her eyes began to tear up. She didn't say anything more before running off upstairs.

As if I didn't feel like a dick already, Torsten had watched the whole thing from the doorway and butted in. "Sten the heartbreaker," he laughed. I remained stone-faced and walked to the entrance. Then I balled my fist up and decked Torsten in the throat. He fell to the stone floor and made croaking noises as he gagged. I lumbered over him.

"If I were you, I'd be more worried about Bloodborne cutting my dick off for losing his girl. Weren't you and Halvard in charge of watching her," I said before stepping over Torsten, who was lying in the doorway. I saw Jasper standing near the front of the room with a crazed look in his eye. He was talking to Paige, who appeared concerned. As I got close to them, I heard parts of their conversation.

"I care too much for this girl. I need you to stay away from me."

"You think she'll calm down?"

"It doesn't matter if she does or does not, but this- whatever this is needs to stop."

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