As Jack ran from the facility that held him captive since he was 12. He didn't look back, for all he knew he was finally free after three years of torment.When Jack went into the forest he looked back finally seeing there was no one coming for him. "Huh..." He thought.
Jack slowly came out his griffin like wings spread behind him and he took off flying above where he just ran. "Did they even notice im gone" he said quietly.
Jack flew to a small neighborhood and landed by an abandoned house. He looked in the window and walked in. "At least its empty..." He muttered.
He walked in and saw some old clothes they looked to be of a night guards but Jack didn't mind.He checked to see if they fit and since they where a bit smaller he did see if there was other unwarn clothes. As Jack took the tracksuit he had to wear off he felt a rush of cold air hit him. "Of course....its cold Jack just ignore the breeze..." Jack muttered to himself.
He slightly saw an oversized hoodie and went to get it. The hoodie looked clean and didn't smell he put it on and used a knife he found to cut two lines on the back so he could spread his wings. " its a little tight for my wings but ill fix it later...." Jack said quietly as he looked around a bit more.
Jack yawned and looked outside and he saw some cops chasing someone and they ran into the house he was in.
Jack covered himself with his wings and blended into the darkness.
"Get back here!" Yelled one of the cops before he tackled the guy and hand cuffed him. Jack just stayed quiet so he wouldn't be caught.As the cops walked back out with the man Jack slowly came out to them and sighed mainly in relief. "I need to get away before someone sees me for real...." Jack muttered. He ran outside and spread his wings and ran threw the backyard and taking off.
As he flew he saw a few people in the forest two that where wearing masks and one that looked pale as snow. He came down and looked at them.
"Hello?.." Jack asked.
"Who the hell are you" one of the ones in masks said holding up a scalpel. His blue mask was dark."Jack....Lerane...." Jack said looking at them his wings folded behind his back and he stayed still.
"Never heard of you..." The pale white one said coldly.
"Well um....who are you?..." Jack asked nervously as one of them came close to him. The one in a white mask pulled the blue masked one back.
"Eyeless no....he isn't a contract to kill...." The white masked one muttered.
"Fine Masky...." The pale one whispered. "Look bird jeff thats masky and the other one is Eyeless Jack....and don't think your off scot free...." The pale one explained. Jack felt a little offended being called "Bird boy" but he didn't do anything."Well is there something.we can call you so no one gets you mixed up with eyeless jack here...." Masky asked coldly.
" middle name....Leo..." Jack said nervously.
"Alright "Leo" come with us....we have....someone to show you...." Masky said walking off. Jack followed and e.j and Jeff followed him after.
As they walked Jack stayed quiet. "Are they gonna kill me...." He thought to himself. His wings spread a little and e.j growled quietly. "Here we are.... " Masky said still in his cold tone.
" Follow me....and don't you fucking think of trying to flee Leo..." Masky said continuing from what he said.
Masky led Jack to an office and knocked on the door. After a minuet or so the door opened and Masky pushed Jack inside closing the door behind him. A tall figure sat at the desk in front of him.
" hello....?" Jack asked nervously.
The figure looked up at jack it had no face but it seemed to show interested in Jacks appearance. His hair looked like it was black in the middle and white on the outsides front and back."Hmm..." The taller figure seemed to hum. One of his long black tentacles pulled Jacks left wing open. Jack just let him. " what are you d..doing" jack said obviously worried.
"Oh nothing just what you are is simply interesting...i don't recall having a proxy with wings or horns as you do...." The taller figure said. "Oh apologies...they call me Slenderman or slender...." The taller figure said.
"Um....Masky is just calling me Leo...." Jack said folding his wing back. "Well since we don't know if you kill or not....and you want to join us...i have a mission here to kill a the neighboring town....if you truly are a killer like most of us....or you just want to be a killer and prove you can then do it otherwise don't come back...." Slender explained. Jack stayed quiet and just nodded. Slender handed him the paper he read from and pointed at the door.
Jack walked out and masky led him outside the mansion. Jack spread his wings and flew off. He landed on a roof he couldn't decide on weather he should kill the guy or not. " If I kill this guy i may have a place to stay but if don't I could find somewhere to go...." Jack thought to himself as he sat against something.
Should he kill this James guy? We will know in part 2

creepypasta and fnaf with my oc
FanfictionJack Leo Lerane is my griffin oc in many fandoms but mostly fnaf(security guard) and creepypasta (a killer) but this is mainly with both I will switch back and forth between them sometimes if someone asks. I will except ships and x readers but si...