Pomu Rainpuff

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When Pomu woke up she still felt as tired as she was when she had gone to bed. And the worse thing was that this also happened the day before and the day before that and the day before that! She got up and got ready while her eyes we're barely open. She opened the front door and was ready to fly out but when she lifted one foot in the air to fly up. She faceplanted on the ground. Another fairy quickly went to her and helped her get up, "Ow my, Pomu! Are you okay?" When Pomu raised her head to look at her the other fairy noticed that she was about to cry. "Pomu~", she said in an endearing voice. Tears streamed out of her eyes, "WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING WRONG." She sat back down on the ground. The fairy sat down next to her and tried to comfort her. "It's not like we did something wrong!" The fairy dried her tears, "You know it's because the humans don't believe in us." Her eyes had a painful look in them and in some weird way it didn't make Pomu feel sad, but it made her feel angry. She stood back up and angrily walked away. "P- Pomu where are you going?", she reached her hand out to her. "I'm going to find a solution to this hell!"

And thus, the searching engine Pomu came to life. She locked herself up in her room and from time to time she would come out to get more research material. Her friends would leave snacks and other things that may seem helpful to her in her search for knowledge. After a few months she realised that if she wanted to know more about humans she should go and explore the humans in their own natural habitat aka go to the human world.

"Pomu! You can't just go, we don't know anything- WHAT IF THEY KILL YOU-" Pomu placed her finger on their mouth. "Sssshhshshshsh, I need to do this for world dom- For us...so that we don't die." They took her finger off their mouth, "POMUUUUU!!" Pomu shook her head, "It's for the greater good my child, have faith." She picked up the bag she had packed and headed to the human world.

It's not like she had never been there, it's just that she had never experienced the human life. She enlarged herself so that she could fit in with the humans, because a 6cm fairy won't cut it will it now? But even in her human form she was still very tiny, but it will have to do. She made her way to a library since people like to share knowledge in those places. She entered the building and started to look around. She saw different humans studying, talking and some other humanly actions those humans do on a humanly basis- right? But then she saw a computer, like she had seen in many homes. She sat in front of one but there was still a black screen. She looked around at the others sitting around her, they seemed to be moving a little machine to click things on the screen. She looked on her own desk and saw the machine, she moved it and the screen turned on. After that she started to click on a few random things just so she can figure out how this thing works. After she got the hang of it, she could finally start her research. She came across many things fun and sad, but most of all very weird...like...who came up with these things why are they things should they be things? No no they shouldn't. But the one fun thing that really sparked her interests was an ad for becoming a v-tuber. She didn't know what it was, so she looked it up on the red button website. They seemed to be anime characters but brought to life? It seemed pretty cool, so Pomu looked up the company that set the ad out. "Nijisanji ey?- JAPAN???" She got shushed by many people. "Sorry sorry."

Jeez Japan, do I need to go there? I don't have a computer of my own.

She contemplated on what to do and she decided to see what she would need to do to become a v-tuber.

Okay so I need a good computer and a good personality. I'm already halfway there!

The next few days Pomu started to get more used to the human life, she even got an apartment! With what money you ask? Don't- Don't fucking ask- I mean by hard work and many smiles! But after she got settled in her house she applied for that ad. And she made it through, obviously. She was invited for an interview in Japan, and they told her that she would meet two other people. And when she did meet them, they didn't seem all that human like Pomu thought they would be, but Pomu didn't care. Because now she was one step closer to world dom- helping her fellow fairies. And that's all she cares about. "Pomu power everyone!"

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