Prologue + some key points

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"Dear Not Crush"


"Well, there's this kinda crush I have..." Alisha said to her new friend. That was quick.

"Really? Damn, and it's only your first month" Luna said, jokingly.

Alisha sighs a bit.
"Yeah, but... this time is different, I felt it right away..."

"Oh. So it's serious"

"I- I guess..."

"So... what's the name? I can hook you up" Luna mumbled while looking at something in the hallway.

Alisha thought that it was an awful idea, but...

"I only know the last name tho"

"Oh that's fine! That's actually better than knowing only the name"

"Oh, alright um... the last name's Hopper"

"...wait, really? Hopper? I didn't see you like the type to like Hopper out of everyone"

"I mean... We 'met' at the grab n go and... I guess blondes are just my weak spot" Alisha laughed a bit while saying that, embarrassed.

"hahah, yeah. Alright well, good news! My brother is kinda friends with blondie so that should be it!"


"Hell yeah! I'm going to help you, even if your taste is kind of... weird"

"You're awesome, thanks Luna!" Alisha thanked before going to class.

"You're welcome!" Luna waved at her.


Oh my, how surprised was Alisha when, arriving to the date, she didn't see her crush. There was only a weird rockstar-looking guy playing pinball, and a guy around her age at the 'grab n go' counter.

"C'mon Hopper, didn't you have a date or something?! God, You're never getting a girlfriend are you"

No way.

"The fuck did you say?!" The guy at the pinball shouted.

No fucking way.


Little did she know, the guy there was Vance Hopper: her crushes older brother.


Sooo, that was the prologue guys! I had this idea in mind, just didn't really know if it was good to go ahead with it or nah.

So! A few key points you may want/need to know:

☆ I'm not writing smut-ish stuff at all.

☆ Alisha is Griffins big sis! I read somewhere that his last name was Stagg. If not please correct me I can fix it!

☆ Please correct my grammar if it's wrong! It helps me to learn since I actually speak Spanish instead of English.

☆ Please tell me if you would like to see a fanfic of some other character, I have a few ideas!

☆ I don't really have an "update schedule" but I'll update as soon as possible! (that meaning that I feel like the chapter is okay, if I have time to write it, etc.)

☆ Alisha is bisexual! That info will be useful in the future.

☆ The events on this fanfic are happening after 'the grabber' whole incident. (All six of them are alive, they were the few who survived the grabber, that will be explained later in the book tho, so don't worry about anyone's safety, they're all good).

See ya!

- Not The Grabber ;)

Dear Not Crush - Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now