when she's sick (requested)

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"Good morning, baby!" You grinned as Sadie walked downstairs. "How are you this morning?"

Sadie tried to ignore the ache in her stomach and told herself that she might be hungry, though she felt a little queasy at the thought of eating.

Afraid she might worry you over what may be nothing, she sent you a tired smile and accepted your hug as you pulled her in for one.

Since it's yours and Sadie's first day off in a busy couple of weeks, you're excited to be able to spend some time together.

So, amid your excitement, you squeezed Sadie and since she felt unwell already, she couldn't help but groan.

"What? Is everything okay? Did I hurt you, baby?" You asked as you pulled back, looking at her with worried eyes.

"No, you didn't hurt me, sweet girl. No worries." She said before kissing your cheek softly and pulling away.

She went to the fridge to see if she could find something to eat for breakfast, but everything that usually sounded amazing sounded disgusting this morning.

She closed the fridge and clutched her stomach a bit as it ached a little worse.

"Sadie, are you sure you're alright? You're not acting like yourself this morning."

"I'm fine." She said. "Just sleepy. I think I'm going to go back to bed for a while."

That caused you to frown.

As she started to leave the kitchen and go back to the staircase, you gently grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Baby," You whispered before you placed your hand on her forehead as she slowly turned to face you. "You feel warm."

"I'm okay."

"Are you sick?" You worriedly wondered.

"No. I'm okay." She lied. "I just want to go back to sleep."

"Okay." You said and let go of her wrist, only to bring her hand to your lips to kiss it softly. "Go back to bed then, my love. It's okay. Rest up."

She headed upstairs and back to bed while you stayed in the kitchen to finish your breakfast, worrying about your girlfriend every second that you weren't by her side.

As Sadie crawled back under the covers, she started to feel even worse than before.

So she pushed the blankets away as sweat started to appear on her skin and she felt nauseous.

Sitting up, she squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed thickly as she fought the sick feeling that was growing stronger.

She tried to take a few deep breaths but every one that fell from her lips was short and shaky.

She swung her legs over the bed and started to get out of bed so she could get down to you for comfort before she'd get sick.

But it hit her too fast and before she got the chance to get down to you, and out of bed.

She tried to grab the empty garbage bin beside her bedside but before she got the chance, she got sick across the bed, groaning in misery after she did so.

The sound of her calling out your name as you put your plate into the sink made your heart drop.

"Y/N? Please come here," she yelled as she got teary-eyed because of how miserable and embarrassed she felt.

You rushed up the stairs to the bedroom and seeing Sadie so fragile and so humiliated crushed you.

"Oh, baby. What happened?" You asked as you saw the sheets and the tears in her eyes.

"I tried to get up but I couldn't make it in time. I'm so sorry." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be, my love. It happens." You said as you knelt beside her, rubbing her back soothingly as she sniffled and took a few deep breaths. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." She said.

"So why didn't you admit that you felt sick in the first place?"

She looked at you with sad eyes as you brushed your thumbs under her eyes.

"I thought you weren't feeling well but you said that you were, babe."

"I know." She said. "I just didn't want to worry you."

"Well, too late for that." You said with a small but comforting smile. "Don't worry though, baby. I'll take care of you."

"I know." She said as she put her head on your shoulder.

"I'll clean up. Go brush your teeth. Okay?"

She nodded and closed her eyes as you kissed her forehead lovingly.

After, she got up and went into the bathroom as you pulled the old dirty sheets off and put new ones on the bed.

You also threw the blankets and pillowcases into the washer, just to be safe, and replaced them with clean ones, too.

Just as everything was changed, Sadie returned to the bedroom and climbed into bed as you patted it, wordlessly telling her to lay down.

"I'll be right back." You promised before going into the bathroom to wash your hands, returning a moment later.

"Okay, baby. Let me feel your forehead." You said and laid your hand on her skin. "You're still warm but not feverish."

"Good." She sighed in relief. "I'm a little cold though. Can you tuck me in?"

A smile tugged at your lips and, in response, one pulled at hers as well.

"Happily, darling." You said before you tucked her in, making sure she was warm and cozy in bed. "That good?"

"Yeah." She said.

"Do you need anything else?" You asked.

"Can you lay with me?"

You instantly crawled into bed to lay close to her and after, you started to softly caress her cheek.

You watched as she closed her eyes and leaned into your touch, finding comfort and relief in it.

"I hate being sick." She sighed. "But, I guess, it's not so bad when I've got you here with me."

"Yeah. Don't worry, sweet girl. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here to care for you until you feel better. I promise you."

"I love you." She said as she began to drift off to sleep.

"I love you too." You replied before kissing her cheek as she fell into a peaceful sleep, feeling much more at ease knowing that you were right there with her.

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