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Sunwoo ran and instantly grabbed Hyu, squeezing him. Jacob cried into Kevin's chest while Chanhee fell to the ground and cried, along with Hak and Changmin.

Soon the ambulance arrived, and Sunwoo accompanied Hyun to the hospital, squeezing his hand tightly. ' Please please '

When they got to the hospital, Sunwoo eventually had to let go and went to the waiting room. Soon everyone arrived and waited with him. Sangyeon walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, " It'll be okay, he is okay " Sangyeon eventually hugged a crying Sunwoo.

Sunwoo calmed down and couldn't stop himself from feeling guilty and angry at himself for causing him so much pain. He eventually got up and went out for some air.

While standing out there, he started crying once again and pulled out a photo of him with Hyun from their first day of elementary. He knew how much he fucked up and called Jeongyeon. He told the others that he was going out. He went out to meet with Yeon, where they had their first date.

While Sunwoo was out with others soon fell asleep, seeing that it was now midnight.

As soon as Sunwoo put his phone down, she walked in. She had a huge smirk on her face. Sunwoo started to feel sick and didn't smile back, Jeong instantly knew this wasn't good.

" Jeong, we have to break up " she couldn't believe this, " Your joking right? " Woo sighed " No, I'm not. I have fallen out of love...so please...please don't call me baby, don't call me, don't kiss me or any of that stuff, also please unadd my number "

With that Sunwoo walked out and went back to the hospital where he saw everyone asleep & covered them all with blankets before falling asleep himself.

< Song ~ Numb Little Bug ~ Em Beihold >

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