Mommy issues

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Song by Melanie Martinez

"Hey boys  how are you " my mother said opening the door for me And my brother

"Hi " I said

"Hi mom " Sebastian said

We walked passed her and went to my dad and gave him a hug

Surprised he still put up with all her bullshit

"Guys go head and um head to the back yard everyone is there " my dad said

Me and Sebastian went to the backyard and everyone was there

"Don't this remind you of the old times " Sebastian said looking at me

"Yeah it's kinda scaring me " I said looking at him

"Sebastian Oliver come over here "one of my aunties said making the whole family look at us

My little brother Mateo run out the house ran up to Sebastian to give him a hug and then me

"Hey boys you guys grown so big " one of our aunties said

"Yup we did " I said

"You guys in relationship yet ??" She said

I looked at Sebastian and he looked at me while holding Mateo in his arms

"Nope I haven't " I said looking at our family

"How about you seb you found you a girlfriend yet ? " she asked

All eyes was on his

He looked like he wanted to pass out

"No I haven't found a girlfriend but I am in a relationship " he said looking down

"Speak up seb what you say " one of our uncles said

"I have a boyfriend " seb said loud and clear

They all gasped and looked at him weirdly

"AWWW CAN I MEET HIM "Mateo said looking at Sebastian

Everyone was quiet until I spoke up

"And he's happy he's so happy " I said

"Yup I am " he said

"Your happy ?"one of our uncles said

Sebastian looked at her with regret but responded with yes

She have him a hug and the rest of the family started to walk over towards him to hug his also

I wasn't that surprised but I was a little shocked because it's just my mom that be being mean towards any and everyone that don't fit into her standards

"I'm proud of you baby " one of the family members said

"Thank you guys um do you guys wanna meet him one day " he said

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