Stomch aches

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I curled into myself groaning into my blanket, my stomach hurt and nothing I did seemed to help, the pain felt like it leaked everywhere driving my head to an ache and my body weak. Addison let me go this morning and I'd been curled up in bed since moaning from the pain.

The shared space was vacant as everyone had things to do since early this morning and I doubted any of them knew I was here, not that it was my friends duty to help me.

I was close to talking myself into getting up to get lunch rations when I heard the door creak open. Bright lights flooded in, I winced to shield my eyes from the pain. "Stacy?" I heard Abby's voice and relaxed some but didn't turn over grumbling as loud as I could in response.

I listened to Abby shuffle to me, and listened as her bag dropped to the floor and she sat next to me. Her hand slid to my shoulder and she leaned close. "Are you okay?" I groaned and finally rolled over to look at her. "Yeah just not feeling to hot" my voice sounded awful to my own ears, I could only imagine what it sounded like to her.

She reached her hand out and placed it on my forehead "you don't have a fever but you don't look very good." I sighed and looked down to the floor as Abby felt my chest for further reassurance. "Have you been to see Hailey?" I shook my head "no I just figured some sleep would fix me" Abby scoffed and rolled her eyes "I knew you'd say that"

She began shuffling in her bag and soon pulled out a smaller bag "so I stopped to see him when I heard Addison had let you go" I frowned "you didn't have to" Abby nodded and pulled the medicine before pulling the required dose and giving it to me followed by water. "Abby?" I said softly a light blush tingeing my cheeks "well uhm can you stay?" Abby smiled and I felt the worry leave my chest "yeAh"

I Scooted over and Abby slid into the bed beside me, we faced each other and I watched her face as she watched me. Slowly she reached out a hand and began to rub softly on my stomach, the act soothing the discomfort mildly.

I wanted to be happy and enjoy this, enjoy her but our lack of title ate at me, I knew I'd need to ask her the important question soon if I ever wanted to feel okay with this but I didn't want to risk loosing everything we had.

Abby pulled me to her and I rested my head on her shoulder. "I don't not love you" I heard her whisper after awhile but sleep from the medicine beckoned me and I was out before I could reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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