Domenico's POV
"Sit your ass down!" Carson shouts as I try to wrestle my way out of the hospital room they were keeping me in.
"They fucking took her right in front of me! You think I'm going to lay here as if nothing happened?!" I snap back as Carson and his younger brothers tried to stop me from leaving the hospital bed I was in.
"You just got out of surgery! You think my niece is going to want you out there searching for her with a large ass bullet wound that hasn't even fully healed yet?!" Carson retorts as I let my sore body slump back with a grunt.
"That asshole has her and I won't rest until I see her in front of me with my own eyes, alive!" I hiss in frustration as Carson nods while patting my knee.
"I'm pretty sure you speak of all of us, son. While you were in surgery the whole night, Cristian has all of us running around like a bunch of chickens with no heads. It's as if he won't let us take a breath without him barking out orders for us to search more streets. It's been almost 24 hours now since she's been taken and he's still up roaming along all the places he could think of, that those assholes would take her" Carson explains as I grip the hospital bed sheets with rage.
"If something happens to her, I don't know what I'd do but I do know I'd hunt those assholes down till I kill every last one of their disgusting blood relatives"
Carson nods at my words before his phone rang in his pocket. He quickly took that as a sign for him to leave the room, not to disturb me, but I was keen on seeing if that phone call was to notify if they found my sweet dolcezza yet or not.
"Are you sure?"
"If that's the case then that would only mean one thing"
"He's taking her to their homeland to make sure we can't ambush his whole empire"
"I understand little brother, but do you really think we have enough man power and weapons to fully go against the Vasiliev mafia?"
"She's my niece too! You think I wanna sit back and let those assholes force her down an aisle and make her their personal breeder?! I'd rather shoot myself than have our blood line get mixed with theirs!"
"We'll wait till we have a bullet proof plan and enough people for us to move ahead with saving my niece but you have to promise me you'll not make a single move without letting us know. I swear to god little brother, if you so much as try to do some sneaky shit to ruin all the planning we'll be doing, I'll personally shoot you in the head. Got it?!"
Just as the call ended, I made my way back onto the bed to pretend as if I wasn't just eavesdropping on the De Leon brothers conversation.
"I know you heard what I was saying" Carson says walking back into the room as I looked towards him seeing him point at the blood stains on the floor.
"When are we heading out to save my woman?" I retort back, disregarding his findings.
"First of all, even though your doctor said you'll be fine with leaving in 10 days due to the bullet not going to deep or hitting any major body parts, you'll be staying here while me and your womans father will be making the trip to bring her back safely. Second of all, I don't know about you twos recent activities or anything but I'm pretty sure she was still on the not talking to you stage before she was kidnapped" Carson scoffs before I glared back at the wanna be funny older male.
"I am going with you guys whether you like it or not. I don't care if she ignores me for the rest of my life, I will always follow her to the ends of the world. I love that woman more than life itself and if she wasn't in my life anymore than I'd have no more reason to live" I reply with a brave face.

Protecting Her
RomanceJezzabelle De Leon, 21 years old and only daughter of one of the biggest mafia leaders in the US, Cristian De Leon. Being the next in line to take her fathers place as the mafia leader, she is forced into a contracted marriage between her mafia fami...