Chapter 16: emergency

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*Y/n's Pov*
I wake up and take a shower once I'm done with my shower I get out and wash my face and teeth once I'm done with everything I go back to the room and pick up the note left on the desk

*Y/n picks up the note and reads it*

Love I had to wake up really early to get to an interview but I will be back by the afternoon have a good day and I will see you later my love ~Austin

*Y/n's Pov*
I guess now we wait for you're daddy to get back baby let's see what we can eat

*Y/n goes downstairs and opens the fridge and closes it*

*Y/n's Pov*
I'm craving something else like a pizza or Chinese food I guess we can decide in the car ride baby

Y/n: hey steve can you take me to get something to eat?

(Steve is the bodyguard)

Steve: yes of course ma'am
*Y/n and Steve head out and drive off they then get to Panda Express and they get down once they order their food which is 5 minutes they get called and grab their food and go. The outside of Panda Express is full by fans*

Fans: HI Y/N!!
Y/n: hi everyone! Sorry we can't stay but we have to run!

*Fans bump into Y/n and Steve tries to move everyone out of the way until one fan grabs her arm*

Fan: please take a picture with me!
Y/n: I'm sorry I have to get going maybe next time!

*The fan keeps insisting and won't let go of Y/n and Steve goes to her trying to pull her away from Y/n and then the fan pushes to hard and makes Steve accidentally bumping Y/n hard enough for her to fall with the food*

Y/n: Steve please it hurts
Steve: ma'am I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you! What's wrong

*Y/n whispers to Steve in his ear*

Y/n: my baby Steve It's hurts please take me to a hospital

*Y/n starts crying and Steve immediately picks her up and puts her in the car pushing everyone and drives off while making sure to not hurt anyone*

*Y/n's Pov*
Right now I'm panicking all I care for is my baby being safe I feel pain but I don't care I just want my baby to be okay I can't help but be scared because I want nothing to happen to Our baby

*Y/n touches her leg and feels blood leaking*

Y/n: Steve I'm bleeding..I don't want to lose my baby steve!

Steve: no you won't please stay calm please I'm so sorry

Y/n: It's not you're fault

*Y/n slowly starts passing out and 2 minutes go and they arrive to the hospital and steve quickly gets out and picks up Y/n while yelling*


*3 nurses come with a bed and he lays her on it and they take her away once they do Steve calls Austin*

Interviewer: it really is good to see you again Austin!
Austin: thanks I know I've been very busy- sorry I have to take this

Austin: hello? Steve what's the matter?
Steve: sur Y/n is in the hospital-
*Austin hangs up and gets off stage while taking his mic off and leaves through the back and gets in his car and drives off*

*Austin's Pov*
I didn't have to hear anything else with knowing Y/n is in the hospital I knew something wasn't right and that she needed me I wasn't going to let more time go by my place is to be by her side I didn't care that I left the interview because she is more important.

*Austin arrives within 5 minutes and gets out as he runs into the hospital and goes to steve*

Austin: what happened?!
Steve: she wanted food and asked me to take her and there was so many fans one of them grabbed her and as I tried to get her to get off Y/n she pushed me and I bumped her so she fell and she said it hurt and she was bleeding..

*Austin tries to go into the emergency room and nurses stop him and pull him back*

Austin: please i need to be their with her
Nurse: I'm sorry sir you can't go in we will call you when there are updates on Y/n Y/l

*Austin goes and sits as he looks down and starts to cry*

*Austin's Pov*
The thought of losing either of them brings me fear I've never really feared anything at least not as bad as now losing her is my biggest fear losing our child is my fear I don't want nothing to happen to either of them I need them both to be okay and safe I love them both so much..

*30 minutes pass and the nurse comes out*

Nurse: family of Y/n y/l?
Austin: im her fiancé please how is she?
Nurse: she is better but needs to stay here for 3 days and rest
Austin: Can i see her?!
Nurse: yes you can come this way
*Austin follows the nurse and they get to her room and he goes in and goes to her and kisses her head while holding her hand*

Y/n: you're here
Austin: of course I am
Y/n: what about your interview?
Austin: I don't care about it I just wanted to be with you and know you were okay
Y/n: I am now I was so scared..
Austin: You weren't the only one I didn't know how much fear someone could be filled with until now
Y/n: you don't have to worry anymore I'm okay now baby
Austin: Love I was scared of losing you so many things ran through my head I just couldn't bring myself to think I could lose you or our baby without you my life makes no sense you make it complete and thinking I was about to lose you scared me so much but I'm so glad you're okay now

Y/n: you will always have me here I'm not leaving yet we still have so much things to do together.

*Austin kisses Y/n's hand and strokes her head*


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