New home

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I couldn't quite point out how much time had pass. Everytime I wake up I still feel so sleepy and go back to sleep without even being able to see around where I am. Around five times I do the same; wake up try to look around just to feel extremely heavy and exhausted and go back to sleep unable to do anything else, even feeling some sort of pressure on me when I wake up exactly how it is when you have a sleep paralysis but this was actually someone.

"Hmmmm are you finally awake?" The voice says as I try to focus my eyes on their face "Ghh what... Where..." I mumble with a sore throat, how much time I've been sleeping? I focus my attention on what is in front me or more exactly on me. Randal was on top of me almost making me unable to breath "Heyyy!!!! You are!" He says excited "We are going out to eat at Smile Diner and Luther allowed me to bring one doll and told me that if you are awake you could come too" Randal looks around the bed I'm in as he grabs a doll, looking around I notice I'm surrounded by dolls of all colors and sizes from some cute ones to other more creepy like that I could swear they where staring at me "Smile Diner?" I ask as he plops out of the bed with one doll in his hands "Yeah! It's my favorite place to eat! We where gonna make something for Sebastian but it didn't quite work out... But look I now have an extra long finger!" He says showing me his... Middle finger. "Ummm..." He looks at his own finger silently "It does that on its own" he says "Now let's go you can meet Sebastian and maybe you can becomes friends with him! Wouldn't that be nice?" I get out of bed noticing a change on my clothing, instead of the uniform I had before... This... I had a long white nightgown with a few laces here and there. I felt kinda uncomfortable not knowing who changed my clothes or even where are my other clothes in fact I'm scared to know if I'm in the same underwear "Do I need to get changed?" Randall looks at me with a bit of doubt raising an eyebrow "I don't mind" I look around the room to see a closet and as I open it a few white moths flew out and the closet was of course full of more dresses, is not that I don't like dresses but these seemed really uncomfortable. I shake my head and walk over to Randal "I think I'm better like this" He smiles "Well then let's go!" He grabs onto my arm a little bit too harshly and drags me out the room.

A long corridor with a few windows, empty frames and a few eyes on the walls? We reach the living room where other people where waiting for us. A tall man with brownish short hair, wide eyes and looking closely I think he had another pair of eyelids on his checks, another two almost identical looking persons looking smaller than the last one, one had blueish hair with a round eared hat and a yellow shirt, the other one had pinkish hair and a more pointy looking hat as well with a black shirt, one looked at me with some sort of interest while the other one was straight up judging me with his stare 'If stares could kill...' The last one and smaller as well was a red haired boy with diamond shaped eyes and a few freckles, he was using a jester attire and looked scared and anxious, on closer inspection even if he was smaller he was still taller than Randal. "Sebastian!!! This is my newest friend! Y/N! Be nice to her please because I will know if you don't" he says lowering his tone to a bit of a threatening voice. Sebastian nods anxiously and keeps staring at me, we both look at each other probably with the same idea in mind 'We need to get out of here' "This is my dearest brother Luther!" Randal keeps the introductions pointing at the taller one of all, Luther looks at me with an approval nod "Pleased to meet you Y/N I hope you can enjoy your stance here" His mouth barely moved while speaking and his voice was deep in a weird way that could make me feel even more uncomfortable that before.Luther points at the two similar looking men "These are my little Catmen, Nyon and Nyen" Nyon seemed to be the one with round ears and blue hair and Nyen the one with whitish or pinkish hair "Now if we are done with this let's go already I don't want us to get back late" Luther says as Randal keeps dragging me to the car.

Randal could not be more annoying as the whole ride I was trying to see any way to get out of this madness with no success, I even noticed how the world around us felt different,darker in a way and I was not sure where exactly are we. Nyen drives as Luther gave him instructions every now and then, one of the being slowly driving on a raccoon wich made me cringe at the noise of the crunching below us "Awwwe Y/N and Sebastian didn't liked that..." Randal says pouting as Luther hums "My apologies I just cannot be helped, it was some sort of guilty pleasure. Anyways we are here already" He says getting of the car.

A quick look around for a way to escape or even the smallest hope to just get lost from all this but that hope was lost when Randal came to grab my hand "Don't fall behind Y/N if you get lost you might end up like that raccoon and then I will just have pieces of you to remember you" he says not sounding exactly sad about what he said. His grip was strong and his hand was not even half as warm as mine like if some sort of dead body was making me do all this, I do hope this is a dream I wake up soon.

Sebastian is facing the window looking at some sort of dog... Person? I'm starting not to get suprised "Turn around" Luther says demanding as Sebastian does quickly "Know what you want?" He asks, reading the menu myself I didn't exactly feel this was a 'Real Canadian Foodery' in fact every thing I read didn't sounded close to food "Something norma-"He starts getting interrupted by Randal "LETS GET THE 'YOUTH SMILE SPECIAL: FORCE-FEED EDITION' TOGETHER!!!" He says jumping out his seat to point said thing in my menu "Force feed?" I ask feeling Sebastian sigh at my side mumbling "Do I even have a choice?" As I was going to read the description to said meal something grips my hand making me drop the menu "WH-" The three of us are restrained as some other hooks grab the sides of my mouth as I do my best to struggle free "Resisting. It feels good when you do that!" Randal says a bit to happy for me. I really don't feel we have the same description of 'Feel good' so I better stop moving and let whatever is going to happen happen. The 'Food' if it could get that name looked like some sort of potatoes with happy faces wich I just munched willingly ignoring the noises they made "Ah look Y/N is not resisting how cute" he says even with the hooks inside his mouth. The sudden noise of porcelain breaking makes me jump to look the doll Randal brougth being broken to pieces with the hooks and being filled with food.

I would rather not eat here ever again.

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