Jake's Last Day in the Hospital

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Jake's POV

It's been a week since I had my surgery on my hand and wrist. It's also my last day in the hospital. Thank god for that.

We heard a knock on the door and then the doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm here to take Jake to get his x ray on his hand and wrist since it's been a week since he had his surgery on his hand and wrist. We just need to see how it's improving." The Doctor exclaimed.

He began to unpack my bed and pushed me out of my hospital room and down to the X Ray room.

The Nurses opened the door as I was pushed in. The Nurses picked me up from my hospital bed and placed me on the x ray table.

"Okay Jake, lie still. We'll be in the other room taking the x ray." The Doctor exclaimed as I was laying very still on the x ray table while my broken wrist and hand was up towards the x ray machine.

After the x ray was taken, the doctor came back in and picked me up from the x ray table and carried me back to my hospital bed. I was laying down in my hospital bed as he took me back to my hospital room. He parked my hospital bed to the wall.

"I will go and get your x rays. I'll be right back." The Doctor exclaimed as he went to get my x rays.

"How did your x ray go Jake?" Izzy asked me as she was sitting next to me in the chair next to my hospital bed.

"It went okay. Hopefully my wrist and hand is improving more." I exclaimed.

"Don't worry Jake, it will be improving more." Izzy exclaimed as she kissed me on my cheek.

We heard the door open as the Doctor came in with my x rays.

"Hello, thank you for waiting patiently." The Doctor exclaimed as he placed all of my x rays on the board that lights up.

"So as you can see in his x ray, his hand and wrist are improving like we expected. His hand and wrist are reconnected with the help of the plates and screws compared to his first x ray, where is hand and wrist are disconnected from each other. His plates and screws are only temporary. Any questions?" The Doctor explained.

"When will he have the plates and screws taken out?" Izzy asked him.

"He will have the plates and screws taken out on 2nd September of this year. Once he has the plates and screws taken out, his hand and wrist will be fully healed. He will only have to stay in the hospital for three days after his surgery to make sure his hand and wrist are working like they should do." The Doctor explained about my second surgery on my wrist and hand to get the plates and screws out.

"What time will he need to be at the hospital?" Izzy asked the Doctor.

"I will give all that information in a letter, when it's closer to the time." The Doctor exclaimed.

"Am I discharged now?" I asked the Doctor.

"Yes you are, the Nurse will help you get changed and to take the catheter out of you." The Doctor exclaimed.

I was really relieved that I get to take off this hospital gown, it does not suit me and it's really annoying to wear. I feel like I'm wearing a dress.

"We'll wait outside Jake." Izzy exclaimed as she kissed me on the forehead.

"Thanks Izz." I exclaimed as her and Cubby left my hospital room.

The Nurse began to help me put my underwear on and pull them up. She helped me put my jeans on and pull them up. She helped me buckle my belt around my waist. She helped me put my shirt and vest on after she took my hospital gown off. She helped me put on my socks and boots.

"Thank you." I exclaimed.

She also helped to take the catheter out of me. Thank god.

We heard a knock on the door as the Nurse opened it. Izzy ran over and hugged me.

"I missed you so much." Izzy exclaimed as I gently hugged her back.

"Aww I love you." I exclaimed as I kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm so glad you're out of that hospital gown." Izzy exclaimed.

"Me too." I exclaimed as I was relieved as well.

"I've signed your discharged papers. We can go home now." Izzy exclaimed as Cubby was putting everything away in my suitcase.

We began to walk out of the hospital while Cubby was pulling my suitcase with us.

"Bye Jake. Have a speedy recovery." One of the Nurses exclaimed.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him." Izzy exclaimed.

"It's nothing. It's our job to take care of patients." The Nurse exclaimed as we left the hospital.

We walked throughout of Medical Island.

"So Jake, what was it like staying in the hospital?" Cubby asked me.

"Horrible. It was so boring and I hated wearing a hospital gown, it was so uncomfortable. The hospital bed was really uncomfortable as well to sleep in. I'm glad the surgery was very successful." I exclaimed.

"I'm very glad that your surgery was very successful. I really missed you while you were in your surgery." Izzy exclaimed while she was holding my good hand.

"Me too Jake." Cubby exclaimed.

"I can't believe I was in surgery for 7 hours." I exclaimed.

"It was very boring without you." Cubby exclaimed.

"I'm glad you guys were there for me." I exclaimed.

"We will always be there for you Jake." Izzy exclaimed as she kissed me on the forehead.

"It was very strange to see you in the hospital than to see Izzy in the hospital." Cubby exclaimed.

"Well it's always because Izzy finds herself in the hospital, at least once a year." I exclaimed.

"I mean that's true." Izzy exclaimed as I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you. Thanks for being there for me." I exclaimed.

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