The One And Only Chapter

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Kier likes books.

Correction: Kier loves  books.

In fact, Kier loves books so much he decided to make them his life, his entire fucking carreer; a couple of years ago, Kier opened his own book store.

After a few heated arguments and drunk debates with his friends, he decided to name it the "Spook Store" just because apparently, this place was a haunted house in a relatively far away past. Kier loves it.

But what Kier likes most about this place, aside from the fact that he made this small -and unexpectedly successful- business happen with his own money, is the fact that he gets to work there with his best mates. Kier had talked to his bestfriend, Laurence, about starting the book store and had asked him whether or not he would be ready to quit his job at the call centre to join him in his project if he ever made it happen. Several days of nagging and many beers later, Laurence was finally ready to get this adenture started. And then came Shane and Luke, who were the only ones to work in the store part-time only, and who, unlike Kier and Laurence- but mainly Kier- actually had a life outside of the spooky bookworm heaven.


But today, Kier isn't enjoying his job as much as he normally does.

Actually, Kier can't even get into his own store.

Because apprently, he was enough of an idiot to lock himself out of the shop after he went out for coffee and forgot to grab his keys with him.

Now he has to wait outside, in the summer heat, until Laurence comes back from his parents' house. Which is something like two fucking light years away from the store. "That's a brand new level of stupidity, even for you mate," Laurence told him when he called him for help.

He tried asking Luke and Shane, but they were both busy with their other jobs at the moment. Kier told them that it was okay, that they didn't have to come help him right there and then, but, deep down, he would really fucking like it if they actually came to help him right there and then.

So Kier is locked out of his own store, his phone's battery is running dangerously low and on top of that all, he feels like he's sweating like a pig.

Kier doesn't like getting sweaty, excpet when he's having sex. But, right now, the only action he's getting is the old lady on the other side of the road who keeps winking at him every five seconds. Kier looks away quickly, fearing that he might give her the wrong idea if he stares too much.

Don't get him wrong, he has nothing against old ladies. Or maybe he does, but the point is, Kier likes dick. Kier is a flaming homosexual. In fact, Kier likes dick so much that his own name means penis in a language he cannot recall the name of right now.

Kier is still trying to remember whether the language was Farsi or Urdu when a short blond dude approaches him.

"Are you okay there mate? I think they're closed." says short blond dude.

"No they're not closed," replies Kier with a sigh, "I actually own this place."

Short blond dude doesn't look very convinced. He just raises a questioning eyebrow and asks, "then what have you been doing just stading outside your own store for the last half hour?"

Kier didn't really want to repeat the same story again, especially not to a stranger, but then again, he was too fucking done with the world right now to think of a credible lie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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