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Once again, Jordyn asked herself how she ended up in her current situation. This time, however, the situation wasn't life-threatening. No. It was far worse. It was boring beyond anything Jordyn had ever experienced. And you can take the girl at her word when she claims that, prior to meeting the Davenports, her life had been terribly boring.

The reason for her boredom - and annoyance - was the cinema she was dragged to by Adam, Leo and Chase. More specifically, the movie. If there was one thing Jordyn hated above all else it was shark movies. She never understood how people could find them interesting. The premise was unoriginal and so were all the resulting films. 

But still.

Adam insisted his best friend come with them. It wasn't an easy deed. Jordyn's stubborn mind was made up on shark movies and refused to change her opinion. In the end, Adam persuaded the girl by proposing to play a prank on Chase whilst in the cinema. This was an opportunity she could not pass up and she begrudgingly agreed.

Unfortunately, due to Adam's incompetence to multi-task, the prank wasn't even attempted to carry out and was instead postponed. Long story short, Jordyn had to endure a two-hour shark movie without any compensation. Not even the presence of her best friend and his joy could make up for the torture.

But it came better; Adam and Chase enjoyed the movie so much that they couldn't shut up about it the whole way home. Leo stayed silent, exchanging an occasional eye roll with Joe.

Walking into the Davenport house, the discussion grew louder.

"Shark Beach was just another ordinary, not-scary, boring shark movie. Case closed."

"Noo. That movie was awesome," Adam argued, walking through the door.

Chase followed close behind and agreed with his brother, "Yeah, Shark Beach definitely lived up to the hype. Although I couldn't hear most of it over Leo's screaming. Shark! Ahhh!"

"No, Chase, that's not right. It was more like," Adam shrieked in an exaggerated high pitch.

Joe laughed and threw herself on the couch. "Very grateful I didn't have to sit next to him. Ahhh!" Her own high scream earned her Adam and Chase's laughter.

"Oh it was not that loud," Leo argued.

"Dude, girls said that you were screaming like a girl."

Joe's head quickly snapped up and she narrowed her eyes at Chase. "For your own good, I strongly hope you did not just say that, so I do not have to lecture you." Chase held up his hands in surrender and they all turned back to Leo.

"Look," he started and put his hands on his hips with a sigh. "It's hard for me to talk about, but when I was younger I had a very traumatic experience with a shark."

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