🥀Chapter Forty Eight🥀

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I knew there was more to this than what my dad told me. He wouldn't give me any details on what type of meeting we were having in Paris. Something told me I was in for a suprise and not a very good one. We were currently seated on the private jet but he was occupied talking with the air hostess.

I sat on the left side closest to the window. I've been wrapped up in my thoughts all week. I knew what I wanted and I knew the risk associated with what I wanted. It was such a dangerous feeling falling for someone who you least expected. But Vanessa captivated me in more ways than one. She was unique and it was her that I wanted.

Last night I laid awake for a few hours just thinking of everything. Especially the woman who I had fallen for. Never had I thought that I would because we were just two different persons and at first she felt lower than me. But there was more to her than what met the eyes and I figured her out.

"What's on your mind son?", my dad ask as he took the seat on the opposite side. He honestly didn't know that what he told me was stressing me out. I wanted to make him happy but at the same time my happiness matters as well. I didn't want him to lose all his memory without seeing his dreams being accomplished but I don't want to get married to someone I don't love.

"Nothing much", I say but he only smiled. My father could read me like a book and he knew when something wasn't ok and alot was on my mind.

"You know son, I didn't marry your mom because I loved her. I married to her because of my business and what my father wanted. When she got pregnant with you, I felt like I had accomplished what my father wanted and even thou your mom wasn't happy with me, we eventually fell in love. You don't have to love a person at the same time, things take time and alot", he said as I looked at him.

My parents relationship was complicated as is and mom wasn't around much either. They were together at business times but otherwise they looked like strangers. Over the years things changed and feelings disappear. It didn't have to be said, it was all too clear.

"All I'm saying is that I want you to do this for me son, this is all I ask. I don't have much time left and I want to know this business that I invested so much in will be here for a long time. I want to see that happen. For once, think about this as the future of the business and not about what you need".

With that he got up and went back to where he was. I groaned as I relaxed back in my seat. I was angered over this situation and these expectations but I knew they were coming. I knew one day the choices to do what I wanted wouldn't be mine anymore. I was the only son eligible enough to take over this buisness so I had no choice.

My mind ran on Vanessa and instantly the stress subsided. I wanted to see her again, touch her, kiss her. Everything. I didn't know how long I would be in Paris for but I wasn't planning on staying long. I just wanted this meeting to come so I could see what my father had planned.

I knew something was up.


I followed after my father into the main building. The meeting was being held at the top floor so we went towards the elevator. I didn't know what to expect but I already knew there was more than just a regular meeting. My father hummed quietly as his hands went in his pockets. I stood on the opposite side with may thoughts still clouding my mind.

I felt my phone vibrating and I checked it to see a message from Tifanny. I groaned before placing back the phone in my pocket. I've never seen a woman so determined, she just won't give up.

The elevator came to a stop and I allowed him to walk out before me. I already knew this was going to be a disaster when I entered the meeting room. It wasn't the one man that was seated with his legs crossed, no, it was the woman who was beside him.

My dad took a seat and so did I. I bit my lip as my feet tapped against the floor. My dad wasn't serious. He literally went out and found a woman for me. I knew this was it, no words had to be said for me to find out. I stared at my dad but he was completing ignoring my expressions.

"Son this is Mr. Howard, and this is his daughter Dianna".

I ran a hand over my face feeling the anger taking me over little by little. I looked at the man but he seemed more relaxed than anything. I watched as his daughter flipped her hair to the side before giving me a smile. This was unbelievable.

"I'll leave you two to it, atleast try to get acquainted. Do this for me son", my dad said before he and the man got up before leaving the room. I was now left alone with her.

"Are you going to ignore me? Look I don't want this anymore than you do. I'm doing it for my father. The future of the business is all that matters".

I looked at her as she got up and came over to my side. I knew my father was up to something and I couldn't lie, this was expected. I didn't want a wife to be chosen for me, it wasn't right and I was my own man and I make my own decisions.

"Why don't we talk about some things?", she stated giving me a side smile. I was still quiet. My anger was building and I didn't know if I could hold it back. For once I didn't care about my father and what he wanted.

This was my life.

"And what makes you think I want to talk about something with you?", I asked back as I leaned back and stared at her. She only smiled before reaching out and helping herself to a drink. She took a sip before relaxing on the seat beside me.

"I guess you don't like me then. Perhaps you have someone on your mind?", she stated glancing up at me.

Yes I had someone on my mind.

"I'm not attracted to you and I will never be. I don't want this and am not forcing myself into a marriage just because of the buisness. It's what my father wants", I replied before I actually poured myself a glass. I took a huge sip and placed the empty glass back on the table.

"Am gonna be real with you, I don't want to get married, well I do, but with the one man I love. My dad doesn't know and he can't know. We've been seeing each other for a few months and it has been the best. But am his only child so that means I have high expectations. The man I love works at a call center as a supervisor. He's my everything".

I listened as she talked about her lover. It was clear that none of us wanted this. We were just being forced by our parents.

"So what about you, do you have that special one you can't be with because of how dangerous it is?", she asked giving me a genuine smile. I found myself smiling a bit when Vanessa came to my mind.

"Well yes, we're not together but we both have feelings for each other. Dangerous feelings. I never thought I would fall for her but I did and there's no turning back. She captivates me in ways I cant express".

I found myself staring out of space just thinking of the moments we had in the office and lounge room. I wanted to do so much more to her body but I had to hold back. Getting it on in such places was way too risky.

"Seems our conversation is over then. We both don't want this and we both have someone else, our parents can't force us anymore. It's up to us to do what we want for the sake of our own happiness. I don't know about you but after this, I'm going to have a long talk with my dad then am gonna get my man".

"I couldn't agree more", I say with a smirk before our fathers walked in the room. They sat down and I knew this was the moment we were both waiting for.

"So have you two decided the wedding date?", my dad asked first with such hope in his eyes.

"We're not getting married", I stated before getting up and looking down at him.

"I dont want this, I want to make you happy but my happiness comes first, I can't marry someone I don't love and I won't. You need to stop trying to find a wife for me, I'll find one myself when the time is right, for now, I don't want this. I'll be at the penthouse if you want to talk", I say before walking out and leave the place.

This was the toughest thing I ever did but I felt relieved that I did it. It was my life and it was about time my father saw that.


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