🥀Chapter Forty Nine🥀

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I took off my jacket before laying across the bed. I knew my father was deeply angry at me but he will have to calm down one breath at a time. I wasn't happy with the situation and I let him know that. It was the hard way but I was a man and I can't go through with something that doesn't sit right with me, not even for the sake of the business.

I told him I'd be at the penthouse when he's ready to talk. Dianna wasn't comfortable with the situation either because she had already had a lover. Speaking up to my father was the best decision I could ever make. I stared up at the ceiling before a thought crossed my mind and I took up my phone. I saw a few texts from Tifanny but I went past them and went for Vanessa.

I red over our messages from yesterday and a smile sprung to my lips. There was no denying it now, I wanted her. I knew it was a risk but what's a life without taking chances? I wanted to know more about the guy who was after her. He was definitely in a gang and I knew it was dangerous for her. Maybe that's why she wanted to leave the city so bad in the first place.

I sat up and thought about it some more. Her contract would be up in about a month and then she'll be gone. I couldn't make her leave but I can't hold her back from what she wanted. I ran my hands through my hair before getting up and going the bathroom. I stripped before entering the shower and turning on the tap.

I was always the one to follow in my father's footsteps. I never disobeyed and from he had passed on the business to me I always tried to be like him. He worked hard for this company and is just thinking of the future of it. Marriage wasn't something I talked or thought about and it wasn't something that should be rushed.

As I turned off the shower I heard a faint knocking coming from outside. I stepped out the shower confused and wrapped a towel around my waist. I exit the bathroom and went straight for the door. I opened it and the one person I didn't plan on seeing was here.


I stared at her for the longest wondering what the hell she was doing here. She pushed past me her heels clicking on the floor before taking a seat on the bed.

"What the fuck Tifanny? Why are you here?", I asked as I slammed the door shut. She only smiled before starting to unbotton her blouse. I felt a headache coming on as I rubbed my temple slightly.

"I don't know why you've been acting like this Chai, I know you broke off the contract but we can still make love you know", she stated before taking off her blouse.

I felt frustrated to the max.

"We have never made love, that's not love and it will never be. We had sex but that was it. Why can't you just leave me alone?, it will be the best you know because there's no way we're having sex again".

She looked pissed but that's how I wanted her to be. There must be something inside her brain rejecting the info that I no longer wanted to sleep with her.

"Come on Mordechai, stop behaving like this. Your father wants you to get married and what better person there is than me? We already knew how each other tasted, we have alot in common. We both could make the ideal couple", she said as I looked at her as if she had completely lost all sanity.

"That's never gonna happen. The sooner your brain interprets this information, the better. Now can you leave I want to get dressed?", I say as I stared at her. I was beginning to lose my patience.

"So that's it then huh? I never wanted to break off the contract, you were the one who did it all because of whatever reason!...unless", she stated getting up from the bed and started pacing around.

"-Unless you are sleeping with someone else...maybe your assistant?".

I groaned in my mind before ignoring her and going towards my wardrobe. I dropped my towel and put on a boxer and a pair of jeans. I pulled on my shirt next and then went to fix my hair.

"I knew it! You're sleeping with her right?! Why would you stoop so low Mordechai? Just tell me! You left my body for this no good whore-

"THAT'S ENOUGH!". What the fuck is wrong with you? I didn't break off the contract for someone else, I broke it off because you were getting on my nerves with everything. I want you to leave now and if you ever refer to Vanessa as a whore again, it won't end well. I'm still your boss and I suggest you keep your tone down with me, am sure you don't want to be cleaning out your office anytime soon", I say as I glared at her.

My patience was all gone.

"You wouldn't dare", she said looking at me unbelievably.

"Don't push me", I replied back before turning around and finishing up my hair. She screamed before taking up her things and walking out. This was too much for one day, way too much. I needed something to eat so after fixing my hair I took up my jacket and left the room.


It was almost dark when I got back to the penthouse but my father was here. His car was parked in the garage. I took the elevator to the top floor and sure enough he was there sitting in the lounge area. The TV was on but I knew he was more focused on his thoughts than the actual movie.

"Dad?", I say before putting my jacket on the couch and take a seat beside him. I took up the remote and turned the TV off before looking back at him.

"I don't know what to do anymore son, I give up. I have tried and it seems my effort isn't appreciated".

"Dad, I've always appreciated everything you did for me. But this is something that you have no say in. You can't chose a wife for me and then force me to fall in love, it's not fair", I replied as I sighed and relaxes in the seat. It was hard but he had to know the reality.

"But I want you to get married son, I want you to have a family of your own. I want to have memories with my grand kids before my time is up. This illness won't stay normal forever. It will worse with time".

"I know Dad, but please, let me choose my own future. I don't need you to choose a wife for me, I can do it myself. It may take time but my happiness and future is all that matters. Am not going to let you or the business down. Besides, I already have someone in mind. Am just seeing how things work out", I replied as he looked at me with such hope.

"Who is she son?".

"One day you'll know", I replied as he gave me a smile.

One day.

"Ok son, I trust you to make the right decisions, I belive in you. Anyways I'm going to give your mom a call before getting some rest, sleep well", he stated before getting up and leaving.

I knew it's gonna be a different story when he found out who I actually wanted. That was story for later, right now I'm going for what I wanted.

And it was Vanessa. There was no holding me back.


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