🥀Chapter Fifty🥀

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I relaxed in my office after a short meeting with the supervisor. There was a huge increase in sales for this week so everyone was excited about the pay raise. Today the supervisor was hosting a small celebration in the lounge room but I won't be attending. The sales increase was good news but I wasn't feel up for it.

Alot had been on my mind for the past few days. He has been on my mind. I wasn't sure as to what was happening between us. Was this all a game? I told myself that I would never fall for him and I did. There was a time when I hated him for how cocky he was but now, my mind has turned completely.

Just like me, there's more than what meets the eye and I actually discovered a few things about him. He wasn't this selfish person that I thought him to be. But was this what I really wanted? In a month I'll be leaving the city to make my own life. That was the plan from day one. But will it be the life I want if Zed continued to come after me? I will constantly have to be on the run - maybe it was best if I went back to him.


I couldn't. After I ran away I built a life for myself and I never looked back. It was the best decision I ever made. I had sorted all of my files, replied to emails and answered a few questions about our products so I had nothing left to do. I stood up and left the office. I had free time on my hands so might as well make the most of it.

I took the elevator to the bottom floor. As it descended something crossed my mind. I haven't seen Tifanny around for a while. I'm sure she hasn't quit...,Looking back, I figured there was something going on between her and Mordechai. Maybe I was wrong but I doubt it. There was a weird feeling coming on but I pushed it away.

It wasn't necessary.

I left the building and made my way to the Cafe. It was the only place I had lunch because it was, well, the closest and it was quiet. I went inside and someone caught my eye. It was Mordechai's brother Matteo. I haven't seen him much but whenever I do he's always dressed in bright colors.

Not that it was a problem.

I ordered a croissant and a lemon-lime Refresher before taking a seat beside the window. He was sitting by himself before another guy sat beside him. Their smiles were the brightest in the Cafe. If he was older than Mordechai I guess he would've taken over the company instead.

It was risky sitting out in the view but beside the window was so relaxing. After the note I received from Zed last week I haven't felt like staying home too much. Most times I wanted to go out but being in the public would be much more risky. It sucks having to live your life in fear; it's not an easy feeling.

"Vanessa right?"

I looked up startled at the voice before Matteo took a seat on the opposite side. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice him getting up and coming over to my side. The guy that was with him wasn't anywhere to be seen so I assumed he left. Close up he wasn't that bad looking. He had deep brown eyes and a small beauty spot above his lip. He had features of Mordechai but not much.

"Yes, and you're Matteo", I replied as he nod and smiled at me.

"Yes  Mordechai's prodigal brother", he says as he turned to me and placed his hands on the table.

"Why is that so?", I asked as I stared at him confused.

"Well, my dad thinks am a time waster. He wants me to join the company but I rather be free. Next thing he'll want me to get married and have kids. I belive in enjoying life to the fullest before I get old. I feel free especially when am partying and drinking with my friends. Mordechai is the best one for the company, even thou we are not as close as before. I belive in him and he has never let our father down".

I listened intently as he talked. He had passion. He loved his free life and I can't blame him. Living life to the fullest eliminating all negativy is the best choice.

"I understand. But I wouldn't call you prodigal. I would call you adventurous. Sometimes ignoring the views and opinions of other is the best choice because without their negativity you can be who you want", I say before finishing off my drink.

"Well I guess I'm an adventurous gay man. I'm not really in the closet but my father doesn't know. I think he'll throw a fit if I tell him that I like the same gender. I won't be able to give him any grandkids. That's Mordechai's job".

I smiled because I knew there was something about him. I really do belive his father would throw a fit I he told him.

"Vanessa sweetheart, I have to go. I have to meet a friend to discuss some party plans. It was nice talking to you, I'll see you around", he said before getting up and reaching out to give me a hug. I gladly accept before pulling away and he left the Cafe. It was actually nice talking to him. We all learn something new everyday. It may not be much but atleast it's something new.


There was music coming from the lounge room and I knew the celebration had started. I still wasn't up for it so I went straight to my office. I laid down on the couch and released a deep sigh before there was a knock on the door. I groaned but only for a second before I realized who it was.


He came in and locked the door before coming over to my side. He walked in a predatory way as if he was stalking his prey. Which was me I suppose. I didn't know he would be back today.

"Why aren't you at the party?", he asked as he took off his jacket. I stayed in my same spot my eyes not leaving his.

"Am not feeling it, have alot of things on my mind", I replied before he came on top of me not putting any weight on my body. His face was inches from mine and his lips weren't that far.

"Am I one of those things on your mind Vanessa?".

There was a weird feeling in getting pleasure from someone calling your name in such a sexy way. I liked when he called my name...the way it rolled off his tongue. He went for my neck and that's when my hands gripped his arms. My toes felt like they were curling as he attacked my neck in the most pleasurable way.

Next was my lips. His tongue went inside my mouth as his hand went to my neck and squeezed slightly. I could already feel him getting harder as time went by. He got up taking me with him so now I was on top. His mouth dominated mine and I let him. My hands went to his hair and I tugged on it exciting a moan from him.

That was hot.

"Me and you tonight, the penthouse?", he asked after pulling away. I stayed quiet for a while just thinking on what I should say. I would love that but does that mean we are developing some sort of relationship?

"Ok there's something you want to say so say it. Let me know what you've been thinking", he stated pulling a back so he could look at my face.

"Well for starters all of this is a huge risk, if you're dad were to find out it won't end well for neither of us especially me. And does this mean anything as in -

He cut me off by smashing our lips together. He flipped us over so he was now on top. His hand went to my chin as he looked in my eyes.

"Fuck the risks, I want YOU. I'll handle my father when the time comes. And yes this is the start of what could be a romance. So it's gonna be me and you tonight".

I didn't have to say anything more and I didn't. He leaned down and we went back to what we were doing.


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