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YOU AND ROGER WERE NOW ALONE, THE BOYS HAD LEFT AFTER RECORDING SOME SONGS FOR THEIR NEW ALBUM. You and Roger had to do some song writing for the new upcoming album. Every band member had to have at least one good song written. You weren't in the band, but roger found it best that if his best-friend since teenage years were with him so he could write a song, as you always gave him inspiration for song ideas, so here you were sitting next to Roger on the studio sofa as he was having a cigarette.

"Come on now Rog, we need to start writing, the boys want a song by the end of the night and you've got nothing written" You sighed at him as he shrugged his shoulder smoking the last bit of his cigarette.

"I don't know what to write, nothing is coming to my head" He sighed as he put his cigarette end out.

You got up and turned on the radio where one of the band's songs had came on. You dimmed the lights you started to softly dance at the sound of the Queen song 'Under pressure'.

There was a small light hitting you as you danced around the studio to the song, smiling at you dancing, an idea popped up in Rogers head, he quickly got his pen and paper and wrote the first line.

"I'd sit alone and watch your light"

And by the time he wrote that line a new line idea popped in his head.

"My only friend through teenage nights
and everything i had to know i heard it on the radio
you gave them all those old time stars"

However, by the time he wrote them lyrics he was stuck once again not knowing what to write next. Seeing his frustration, you stopped dancing and sat beside him as you read the lyrics, smiling at them, you looked up to see him looking at you already with a soft smile.

"It's really good Rog" You praised him with a smile.

"Thank you, i just don't know what to do next" He sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"Let's see, maybe you could rhyme something with stars?" You suggested.

"like what?" He asked you.

"Bars, Cars, Mars" You listed while trying to think of more. But 'Mars' caught his attention, quickly grabbing his pen he wrote the next line .

"Through wars of worlds, invaded by mars"

"Such a good lyric Rog, see you're not as dumb as you look" You teased him causing him to let out a laugh, by then you both totally forgot about the song writing and just teased each other about each other's personalities and looks and etc. It was to the point you were both crying of laughter.

You had to go as you had to have an early night due to being up in the morning for work. After kissing Rog on the cheek and waving him a goddbge you left the studio, Roger still stared at the door you went out of with a small blush on his cheeks and a huge smile on his face.

"You made them laugh, you made them cry,
you made us feel like we can fly"

Roger knew he wrote that song about you, but he couldn't let you know he was in love with you and wrote this song about you so he changed 'me' into 'them' and 'us'.

The next day after work you went over to the studio to listen to Rogers song that he wrote and watch the boys sing the song and do what they do.

Walking in the studio, Roger immediately took notice of you and got off his drum seat, put his drumstick down, and walked to you pulling you into a hug, pulling out the hug he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you ready to listen to the song i was up all night doing, not to mention help from you" He smiled at you as he was excited to show you the song he wrote about you.

"Of course i am, let's hear it then" You smiled at him as you sat down on a sofa and watch them perform the song.

By the time they finished the song, you got up and clapped and praised them for how good it was, you also praised Roger for the song writing, making sure to tell him the lyrics were beautifully written.

"I'm so proud of you Rog" You whispered to him as you stood a feet away from him both of you stood in front of each other.

"Thank you it means the world" He whispered back as he gently grabbed your hand into his and held it.

Looking down at your connected hands and back up to look into his eyes, he leaned down and gave you a soft, gentle kiss, you kissed him back.

Smiling, you both pulled out of the kiss as the boys cheered you both on, laughing, roger pulled you into his chest as he hugged you laughing.

ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now