The Man at the Top

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I heard his voice through the walls. Finally, he was home. When he walked into the kitchen where I was looking out the wall of glass, he sopped in his tracks.

"Who are you? Why are you in my home? How did you even get in here, this is a secure building," he asked filled with anger and bewilderment expressed in his body language.

"Well, Mr. Fisk," I responded,"I am here on business. You've been getting a litle sloppy with that little pest that everbody's heard about running around the city." I turned ffrom the window to face him.

"I''m going to ask again," he started, "Who are you?"

"There is no need for such formalities right now. But, I would like to assist you in the matter of the Deivl og Hell's Kitchen." His heart beat slowed but his face was still full of anger. A gleam of confusion shined in his eyes though, so at least he's interested.

"How do you know it's my problem? Besides, somebody's is already handeling of it. What is your name little girl? How did you get into my house? How do you know where I live?!" His face was red now with frusteration.

"No need to get fired up, and I'm not a little girl. As I've previously said, you've been sloppy. Haven't really been picking up after yourself, not have you?" I paused a second to see his reaction. He shifted his weight, good, I'm making him uncomfortable. I started walking around, I may be young but I still mean business. "I have my means of information, as to how i got in here, I'll leave that up to you to figure out." Fisk glared at me with great dissatisfaction.

"Please leave my house. Now."

When I didn't move to leave, he walkd toward me aggrivated. When he reached for the collar of my coat, I ducked, grabbed his arm, and twisted it around him. The big man struggled to break away from my grasp without success. Fact was, I was half of his hieght but i had twice his strength.

I whisperd in his ear while being this close, only loud enought for hime to hear. "Listen to me. Do I have your attention?" He nodded and I let go. His fist came two centimeters away from my face when I ducked. This time, I dove for his feet while he was off balance from the swing. All of his breathe was knocked from his lungs when he hit the floor and i seized my chance and grabbed his arms and straddled his chest. "How about now Mr. Fisk? I didn't come here for a fight. I came because I wanted to help you. Just let me help you."

"Why do you want to help me so bad? Bad enought to break into my house-"

"I didn't break anything so technically, I didn't break in," I corrected him.

"And pin me to the floor," he finshed. "Why?"

I hesitated for a moment. I hadn't really thought about it. "Because I admire you."

For moment he stared at me with a blank expression. "I'll take you under my wing. If you don't meet up to my expectations, there will be consequences. Now please, will you get off of my chest and tell me your name," he asked as nicely as he could.

"Oh, right. Sorry," I stood and reached out my arm to help him up. Once he grabbed it I had no issue heaving him off of the floor. "My name is Ivy, Ivy Short. But I would rather be called Nightvision around other people. If you don't mind." Wilson nodded. "That is said as well to you Mr. James Wesley."

From around the corner a man in a suit and glasses stepped forward. "How did you know I was there? I made sure to be silent while you were here."

"I heard your heartbeat. Slow and steady. Strong. Not like Mr. Fisk's here. His is light and quick. Fairly agile. I also just assumed you were somewhere around here before I detected your heartbeat because you are always with Mr. Fisk. You are his right hand man, am I wrong?"

They both stood shocked. I turned side to side to look them both in the eye like any person would do at a job interview. "No. You are not mistaken. Wesley is my right hand man," Wilson turned to Wesley. "Have you already talked to Madame Dou or Leeland about her?" James nodded with a "Mhm" of assurance.

"Well, gentlemen," I inturrupted. "I would hate to end our little chat, but I must be on our way. Mr. Fisk, I would like $1,500 a week for any possible injuries, attire, and anything else that may come up while, working. Thank you and goodnight. I'll take the front door this time."

"Goodnight, Miss. Nightvision. I shall see you here tomorrow at ten in the morning, if that's all right with you."

"Of course Mr. Fisk. I greatly appreciate meeting you and getting the opprotunity to have this job interview." I turned as the elevator dinged, smiling. When the doors finally closed, I calmed my heart rate but couldn't help feeling excitement. I finally have my dream job, destroying those who are pure at heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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