When they first met

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Windblade was in her room, feeling like a prisoner, but she knew that she would have to be patient and have faith that she would eventually be free from Starscream. Windblade would have to fool the leader of the New Decepticons into thinking she's submissive to him and she would have to stall some time for her to escape. Still, Windblade would never forget the day when she first met Starscream and how he tried to kill Megatron for revenge numerous times.


Aboard the Darksyde, Starscream challenged Megatron to a duel which the former leader of the Decepticons accepted. The battle lasted until Starscream won his fight against Megatron and he was about to deliver the final blow with his new sword, The Red Tyrant Sword.

Starscream: At long last, I have you right where I want you to be, Megatron. Now I will finally have my revenge! Prepare to...

Windblade: Not so fast, Starscream!

Starscream turned around when he saw Windblade for the first time and she kicked him right in the tank, sending him backward and then hitting a wall. Windblade helped Megatron up and he was glad to see that she and Drift and his Minicons have come to give him some backup.

Megatron: Windblade? How did you manage to find me?

Windblade: I was fighting New Decepticons with Drift and his Minicons across the halls of this ship when I heard you fighting Starscream.

Starscream: Who DARES to interfere with my final blow on Megatron!?!!

Windblade: The name's Windblade. You must be Starscream.

Starscream growled angrily as he got up and whips out his Red Tyrant Sword and Windblade pulls out her own swords. She and Starscream stared down at each other, preparing to fight each other, but Megatron didn't want Windblade to die at the servos of his former second-in-command as he grabs Windblade by the wrist.

Megatron: No, Windblade! He's not worth it.

Windblade: Don't worry, Megatron. I won't be fighting Starscream alone. Drift and his Minicons will be here any minute.

Starscream: You underestimate me, femme! I WILL have my revenge against Megatron and his entire family and I won't stop until their Energon is spilled!

Windblade: You're deluded, Starscream!

Drift and his Minicons, Jetstorm, and Slipstream finally arrived and so did Hivemus Prime, Strongarm, Sideswipe, and Hot Rod as they came to help Megatron and Windblade fight against Starscream.

Hivemus Prime: Surrender, Starscream! Because we're taking you in!

Hot Rod: He's right!

Strongarm: Starscream, you're under arrest for your crimes of terrorism!

Starscream: Spare me your ridiculous threats! I won't let you stop me from killing Megatron for revenge!

Windblade: Enough, Starscream! Your quarrel with Megatron has to stop.

Drift: Drop your sword and surrender to us now!

Starscream: No!! Vengeance will be mine!!

(flashback ends)

Windblade: There has to be a way for me to convince Starscream to let go of his grudge against Megatron and the Autobots. But how?


At the Autobot's new Earth base in Jasper...

Arcee: It's good to be back in Jasper.

Ratchet: It's been like almost 10 Kilocycles since we've stayed in Jasper here on Earth. Megatron may have destroyed our hidden Autobot base on Earth before, but thanks to the Constructicons, we were able to create a new base similar to the one we've lost nearly a decade ago.

Bulkhead: I'm just glad that Megatron's on our side.

Arcee: And why wouldn't he, Bulkhead? He, his son, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee helped us save the galaxy from Doomsayer and Unicron.

Wheeljack: You know that Bumblebee goes by Hivemus Prime now, right?

Bulkhead: We know that, Jackie. We still like to call him by his old name sometimes.

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