♯ 001.

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桃寺 神門Him?!

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桃寺 神門

The sun shone from above like we're grilled under the beaming heat.

It has been years when that incident had happened, looking back from it now, I couldn't guarantee that there is still no wound left at the past that brings my downfall. Although, I quite admit that I'm thankful that after that incident, someone took me under their wing.

It's like I had a heart attack but someone held their hands infront of me, to give me the chance to live and change. And without him, I wouldn't have lived up until now.

His midnight hair is neatly parted as his eyes held mystery within them, his whole existence is such wonder. By his looks and by the way he acted, it never fails to make me curious at him. And I do hope (or surely) that everyone would too, be curious at him.

"You wish to live?" Is what he asked. Even though he is as blunt as a sharp knife, his presence is calming and it brings comfort to one person to another.

By just looking at him from that time, I thought I saw the angel that was sent from above. Even when I know that he isn't when the moment he revealed his two horns infront of me just for me to calm down─

Mudano Naito.

Him. He's the one who helped me from continuing life and I gave my oath in heavens or hell that I would do anything just to pay him back, he's─

"Ah..." Snapping back in the harsh reality, I turned to my shoulders and saw the clock that was hanging on the wall from the inside.

I was just taking a fresh breath of air here from the balcony, lazily supporting myself to the railing as I watch the sun shone above. I know it's weird because I should've entered inside the moment I the sun burns my skin of how long I was here.

I am living here alone away from the people again, unlike the other Onis there that they had to stay where Mudano Naito is near; I chose not to stay since I felt really bad about them and I thought that I might just end up being a burden to Mudano.

Squinting my eyes, I slowly move away from the railing and proceeded to walk back and go inside the house for me to hide under the beaming sun, this life is a bit boring but I am content with it, I think.

As long as that Momotaro that who completely ruined my world back then when I was a kid won't show up then everything is fine. It shouldn't make my life hard and and difficult to deal with, and the Momotaros that came attacking here in my lone territory to come and kill me would be beheaded immediately.

I am not usually the person who would judge the book by it's cover but Momotaro killing Oni for fun tells different story here.

Them and their stereotyping nature.

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