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warning - this is pretty much starting right off with smut so reader discretion is advised. there should be some non-smut coming but testosterone is a bitch if you know what i mean.


    The booth in the back of this shitty bar is disturbingly warm, but at least it gives me a break from standing, and some fucking space. Everybody else would rather be clumped around the stage, bodies mashed together as they vie for each others’ shallow attentions while the nameless band chugs out generic covers. At least back here, I can breathe a bit, even though the air remains stuffy and smelling of weed. Of course the joint between my fingers isn’t helping with that. I take another drag and lean my head back until it clunks against the wood-paneled wall behind me. The bathrooms are on the other side of the room, but I can still hear people fucking in one of the stalls from where I’m sitting sideways in the booth.
Jesus, what a dump. I swear every club is the same these days. The same cast of characters on a loop in each setting, the same shitty music playing too loud for those of us who are perpetually hungover. Future and current alcoholics always with their hands on a shot glass or two. Possessive boyfriends always with their hands on their girl’s lower back. And me, ever the cynical one, forever shaking my hair out of my eyes.

“Billie Billie!” Tre comes bounding up to me, eyes shining with booze and childish joy. He bends over and smacks a kiss on my lips with no hesitation, much to the dismay of the bro type glaring in our direction. I scratch my cheekbone with my middle finger until he looks away.

“Hey, Tre,” I intone as he snatches the joint from my hand to his mouth. I can’t help but crack a smile as his eyes bulge exaggeratedly and he blows the smoke back into my face until I cough. “Good weed, huh?”

He shrugs, “Eh, not bad,” as he steals another hit before passing it back. “How goes your night? Found anyone worth courting?” He jerks his eyebrows and puts on a shitty English accent. I shake my head before taking a pull from the roach and locking eyes with a girl across the bar. Her gaze lowers to scan me as a coy smile curls her lips. The smoke I blow out makes my view of her go hazy. Tre leans towards me and follows my eyes, letting out a low whistle. “I see what’s going on here. Better leave you be.” He practically skips off and I watch his green hair fade into the crowd.

When I look back in front of me the girl is approaching, still eyeing me in a way that makes me shiver. She slides into the booth across from me, her neckline so low I can’t help but look. Feather bangs frame her handsome face, and they sway a bit as she leans her elbows on the dark wooden table between us. My eyes snap up from her cleavage and she smiles. “Hey, pretty boy,” she utters, a husky tone to her voice. “I like your eyeliner.” She’s holding a cigarette and takes a long, almost sensual drag, her eyes rolling back in her head. Fuck.

I clear my throat and reach down to adjust myself, trying to pass it off as simply shifting in my seat. “Thanks,” I mutter. I can tell from the way she’s smirking that I wasn’t as subtle as I had hoped. I pull a hand through shaggy hair, suddenly feeling fidgety. Could have something to do with the beautiful girl who’s practically eye-fucking me across the table. I’m usually not this shy, but I’ve been particularly introspective today, and I’ve been jolted from my own head without any time to warm up.

“What do you say we get out of here?” she murmurs, switching around to my side of the table. She puts out her cigarette on my Converse and runs her hand up my leg. Fuck, fuck. How can I say no? I’d be full of shit if I said I wasn’t unbearably horny right now. I catch sight of Tre over the girl’s shoulder. He’s got another girl leaning up against him, and he’s nodding vigorously at me.

“Sure thing, love,” I say in response to her question. She takes me by the hand and I notice we’re both wearing black polish on our nails. We weave our way to the nearest exit, but not before Tre reappears, snatches my joint again, and then melts back into the crowd.

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