Strange Man

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Adam's POV

As me and Y/n ran out I grabbed a flashlight off the counter as she called after Hawking, we walked out and seen him run into the woods I ran over and grabbed the baseball bat and we ran into the woods, we chased into the direction Hawking ran and were met with little sparks of fire around us "Wow..." we both said "Jinx! You owe me a coke!!" I said "Dammit!" She said but then we heard barking and Hawking came out and ran into the direction we came from "HAWKING!?" I yelled and we chased him, we seen my dad's garage open and we walked in as I held up the bat and Y/n scanned the room, we seen a man and both screamed "Hey woah chill out I'm not gonna-" he said but was cut off by me falling into Y/n and almost falling on the floor, luckily she pushed me up. Y/n stood a bit behind me pointing the flashlight at the man "Or fall into the girl, okay" he said

*Time skip to when they're inside*

As I watched the man walk into my house and put a bag on the counter, he opened the fridge took out an apple and closed it then kicked it with his heel, I was surprised, I looked at Y/n and whispered "Who is he?" "I told you to stay in the garage" the man said after he threw the apple on the counter "And let some stranger wander around our house alone? No way!" Y/n said, the man was about to answer but then chose not to as me and Y/n looked threw the bag and found a black 8 ball looking orb, I grabbed it and we started playing catch with it when the man turned around and spoke up "Don't touch my stuff" he said grabbing the ball, he was saying things at first but I wasn't paying attention "Look I just need to clean up this wound and I'll be on my wa-" he spoke but got cut off "Is that a bullet wound?!" I said, "You were shot?!" Y/n said "Yes- no, actually no, I was stabbed with a bullet" he said looking at Y/n "What do you think? Moron" he said to her "She's a moron?! You were the one who was shot!" I said defensively standing infront for her "oh God I remember how protective...okay look I just need to clean this and I'll be on my way" he said and he coughed, the wound made a farting noise as me and Y/n scrunched up our noses "Okay, ew it farts when I cough" he said and coughed again "Gross" he said "Very" me and y/n said as he walked up the stairs as we followed him "Who are you?" Y/n said "That's classified" he said "Well are you a pilot or something? Your wearing a suit" I said  and he kept walking "Again, classified" he spoke "Okay we-" Y/n started asking but was cut off "Adam! Y/n! When I say classified what does your brain hear?! Chocolate?!" He said, wait.. we didn't say our names "How do you know our names?!" Y/n said, the man sighed and turned to her "Your Y/n L/n, your moms dead and your dad travels alot but is a abusive drunk so you live here basically, your Adam's bestfriend and have gotten suspended almost 3...4 times including today, you were born 2009 and are 13" he said and stared at her "Hey perv get a woman ur own age!" I said "no no its not like its just, its been so long.." he said "Pervert!" She said and then the man turned to me as he ignored Y/n "Your Adam Reed and your dad died a bit over a year ago, your mom works but is called out alot to get you because you get suspended and have been suspended 4 times, including today, you were born 2008 and are 14, your overprotective of Y/n and try your hardest to stick up for her when you really you can't fight to save your life unless it's hers" he said to me as Hawking was barking because the man was so close to my face "HAWKING SHUT UP!" Me and the man yelled "How do you know my dogs name?!" I said "Because I named him." The man said as I almost fell backwards he pulled me up by my shirt "Where do you think your going?" He said as I started to wheeze, I needed my inhaler, I felt a hand in my pocket and seen Y/n put it up to my mouth as the man counted then said "K" and I exhaled, "Your me?!" I said "That's classified, but yes. I once was" he spoke as me and Y/n nearly fainted we were so shocked.

Y/n's POV

How the hell?! He's Adam?! But- how-? Wha-? "wait your ADAM?!" I said "Yes, I'm him in the future." He said "Now you two go to bed, it's late" he said as we started walking to the couch "Ya no your "Adam" not Mrs reed" I said, I sat infront of adam on the floor as he played with my hair, twisting it and attempting to braid it "Well-" he was cut off by the sound of the keys as he ran out the door and as soon as the door opened he was in Mr Reeds shed "HI kids" Adam's mom said "HI mom" Adam said as I laid my head back into his lap and closed my eyes, I opened one eye feeling eyes on me and seen Adam smiling at me staring at my face "Take a picture dork, it'll last longer" I said getting up and sitting across the couch from him "Well I can't take a picture when you are moving now can i?" He said grabbing his phone "Oh no you dont!" I said crawling over to him and snatching it as I ran up to his room and closed the door locking it, I turned on his phone and seen the lock screen was a picture of me and him when we were 9 at the carnival, his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder as we were walking, it was the back of us so his mom must've sent him it, I smiled and put in his pass code unlocking it going to my contact "Mrs Reed" I breathed out "Oh gosh.." I heard him say at the other side of the door, he had been pushing at the door for a minute now I just blocked it out "So I'm Mrs Reeds huh?" I said "N-no it's just a nickname" he said "It's fine!" I said laughing "We act like it anyways, your dad used to call me that.." I said "Ya.." he said I sent the picture to myself and I heard my phone ding from downstairs "Crap" I said unlocking the door to see adam already gone and I ran downstairs tackling him onto the couch before he grabbed my phone "Oh nuh uh!" I said "Bu-" he was about to say but the door bell rang and Mrs Reed went to answer it "Hi" the man said "Oh hi" Mrs Reed said, adam pushed infront of me "Lovely mouth mullet" he said "Adam!!" Mrs Reed said as I snickered at her response "Well it's never been called that before" the man said chuckling "You forgot your scarf in my car" he said handing it to her "Oh my, I did didn't i." Mrs read said "Ya, well ill see you tommorrow" he said "See y-" but Mrs read was cut off "Doubt it but I'll put in a good word for ya alrighty? Bye now!" Adam said and I closed the door "Guys!!" She said "Yes?" I said, she sighed "You two can be real jerks sometimes you know" She said walking away, I wasn't hurt by it because I knew she was just frustrated by our actions but I could tell Adam was "Come on, let's go to sleep" I said "Alright" he said and I went upstairs with him grabbing my phone charger as he got in bed I walked out and went to my room falling asleep as darkness filled my surroundings

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