Tick Tock

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The ninja watch as Zane breaks his breath-holding record.

Kai exclaims, "Ten minutes! He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!"

Zane is shown on the ocean floor. He pets a fish before resurfacing. The ninja cheer for him.

Cole exclaims, "Amazing!"

Morro smiles saying, "Impressive."

Jay says, "We're not worthy."

Zane asks, "I broke the record?"

Kai replies, "You destroyed it!"

Jay says, "Okay, okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished." and they all have flashbacks of their accomplishments.

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Kai had run across several hot coals.


Jay had spun on a metal rod on one hand during a Lightning storm.


Cole had lifted a barbell with many weights on it along with Nya on one end and Jay on the other each with a dumbbell and the latter with holding a chicken platter.


Morro had flown on his glider in a storm above the endless sea near the bounty.

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"The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Asks Zane.

Morro sighs and mumbles, "They shouldn't be getting cocky, we are only scrating the surface of our potential." though the others didn't really hear him.

They then head inside the Destiny's Bounty to find Wu and Zane says, "Well, every morning I do five hundred push-ups."

Kai asks, "Five hundred? Ha, try a thousand."

Jay counters, "Hahaha, I do a thousand and one."

Cole asks," What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up. Sensei, what does True Potential look like if-" but he stops when they see Master Wu putting away a katana.

Zane says, "Our apologies, Sensei. We've interrupted you."

Wu sighs saying, "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing." and asks, "What can I help you with?"

Cole asks, "Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our True Potential? What if we're ready?"

Wu replies, "Hm. You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your True Potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer."

Zane asks, "There's more to the Great Devourer than you've led on, isn't there, Sensei?"

Wu replies, "I too have obstacles within my own heart. There's a story I've never told you."

Morro frowns knowing the story that Wu was going to tell him since he had told him before when he was younger.

Wu starts telling them the story, "Long ago, when I was a young boy, Garmadon and I were more than brothers. We were the best of friends."

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