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I walked down the hall and headed up the stairs. Jesus fuck, how many stairs can you have in one fucking building? By the time I reach the third floor, I was already out of breath. I really need to work out.
I hurried down the hall until I reached a door with a sign next to it.
"AA Meeting in process, Do not Disturb"
I slowly oped the door and immediately felt fifteen pairs of eyes stare at me. My face burned with embarrassment. I quickly made my way to the only empty chair left.
Oh thank god, Louis is here. I swear, if it weren't for him, I would never come here. I quietly sat down next to Louis and tried to ignore everyone's stares.
"Dude, you're fucking late again, that's the third time this week, what's going on?" Louis whispered.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry it's that shitty alarm clock I have."
"You know, Patrick's going to be fucking pissed at you." He turned his head to make sure no one could hear us.
"Yeah, I know."
Patrick is our AA group leader. He's the one that asked us how we're feeling and stupid shit like that. He always starts this meeting with the story of how he "overcame the sin of alcohol." I guess he's some kind of super Christian, he's always preaching and shit like that.
"Harry, you're late. Again." Patrick sighed.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry. My shitty alarm clock is broken." I quickly replied.
"Watch your mouth! The Lord would not appreciate you speaking with that tone." He hissed. I quickly turned away so I could stop myself from saying something I would regret. Did I mention that Patrick is a fucking prick?

An hour later, the meeting is finally over and Louis and I are walking back to our cars. Louis lives a couple streets over from me, in a nicer apartment building. We met a couple months ago when I was sentenced to go to AA meetings when I got caught drinking and driving. My therapist said it would be good for me, but I think he's full of shit. Louis was the only person that talked to me at my first meeting, he helped me feel a little bit less nervous. Ever since then we've been inseparable.
"Hey, you wanna go grab a bite to eat?" Louis questioned.
"Hell yeah. Pizza?"
"Sure" he chuckled.
We hopped in the Louis' car and drove off. I guess I'll just pick up my car after we eat.

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