Sunset (noah x reader)

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Ok so In my last chapter I said you and Noah had your first kiss in the Bahamas but I didn't say how it happend, well this is how

(Y/n)'s POV

Ok I love Heather but why did she drag me into this Bahamas trip. Its fine thought since my boyfriend Noah's also here

You went on the trip with Bridgette, Noah, Courtney, Cody, Heather and Trent. You didn't know most of them to well but you and Trent were quite good friends, and Noah's here obviously.

However we still haven't had our first kiss, we've been dating for two months. ITS BEEN TO DAMN LONG

Sometimes I try and give Noah a peck on the lips but he just turns away making it on the cheek. The cheeky shit, I wanna kiss him but I don't wanna feel pushy...

He just says "oh sorry baby but I think it's moving to quickly" ITS BEEN 2 MOUNTHS 2 WEEKS 5 DAYS 12 HOURS 7MINUTES AND 8 SECONDS!!!!!!! NEVER MIND BEING PUSHY WE NEED TO KISS

Anyway back to the current events, Cody Courtney and I were chilling on a towel when Heather came over, soaked since her, Trent and Bridgette (they dragged Noah as well) had been in the sea

"Guys tides coming in we should head back, also (Y/n) and Noah maybe you two can go have some alone time~"she smirked

"Oh go fuck Courtney already!" Noah yelled making said CIT blush while Heather just rolled her eyes

Also Cody, Bridgette and Trent just got to watch like: 🍵👀

You and Noah were walking hand in hand on the soft golden sand making your way to the sparkeling blue sea.

You stood in front of it and watched the magnificent sun slowly come down

As the sun was setting you felt Noah touch your shoulder making you look in his direction

"Hm? Something up babe?" he grabbed your waist facing you to him, well that's one way to get butterflies

'OMG this is it!' you fangirled in your mind

As the sun was setting he looked into your (e/c) eyes and smiled

Not a sadistic smile. A genuine one of pure happiness and hope

Nagito: HOPE!-

Me: nagito piss off your running the story (if you understand this reference we're besties now)

He leaned in and connected your smooth lips with him cold tan ones

The kiss was ok in general but it felt so sweet and joyful

You pulled away and both smiled into each other's eyes

After 10 minutes you were gonna head back when Noah grabbed your wrist

"(Y/n),I love you" you blushed and smiled "love you to noah"

Welp that was crap but whatever now go read the rest!!!!!!!!!

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