It's Monday June beginning of summer
(You get up)
Y/n : what time is it?
(You check what time it is)
(You speed run your breakfast and your mom drives you to work)
(You arrive in a hurry to work, you watch Dave walk out the pizzeria)
(He notes that your standing there watching him.He doesn't bother but walk up to you)
Dave :Good morning,plus nice pajamas
Y/n:thanks- WAIT WHAT!
(You look down and your in your My little pony pj)
Dave : you don't want Phil to see you like that don't you,don't worry partner I'll take you back to your house you just have to lead me.
Y/n : Ok wait... did you just call me "partner"
Dave: Sure did.
(You blush a slightly bit)
Y/n:(in mind) oh my lord what do I say next, I think he likes me back or not-omg-omg-omg-omg this is embarrassing oh my
Dave: Y/n? You getting in or not?
Y/n: ya sure! coming!