Chapter 2:Known To Be A Moon

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Even though, moon is the brightest in the darkest nights
It still has its own  dark spots in it..


The sunlights of the dawn peeped through the window going straight into Jungkook's eyes.He crunched his brows feeling uncomfortable at the disturbance .

But due to him being a light sleeper,soon his sleep broke Sensing the daylight .

He sat on his bed while yawning.Suddenly a sudden rush of pain started flowing through his body along with sharp painful sensation in his hands..

What the heck..Why is my hand aching so much early in the morning?? Did I wrote too much yesterday??

While closing his eyes,he forced his brain to remember the events of yesterday night.

After stressing for a bit,he remembered some fragments of memories of the events.

The gravity force...Find the value of X..Complete classification of human..

He only found him studying yesterday night.Still can such short piece of memories cover up for an entire night? Jungkook sighed being frustrated.

I really am tired of this..Even though being used to this situation,I still can't help getting frustrated over the same scenario everytime and again..

After dilly dallying for a bit,he finally paid his attention to the time..After contemplating over if he should go to his university with the pain in his body or  ignore the pain as usual..He chose the latter one..As usual...

He then got ready for his university without wasting any time.He wore a plain white t-shirt and a light green colour hooded jacket  .He gulped down a pain killer to get rid of his hand ache.After that,he grabbed his bag as well as his earphones and then he left for his university...

While passing by the supermarket,he overheard some aunties of his neighborhood gossiping about a scary event of yesterday night.Before he vaguely could contemplate the situation,he reached the bus stop at no time..

He waited there a bit for the bus..Then he  by his peripheral view noticed that a few middle aged women along with his neighbor  aunt and some other neighbors were heading towards the bus stop discussing over the same topic,which was about yesterday..

He recognized two people of their voices .One was his neighbor aunt Sooja and another was his aunt Gamri.Thanks to their loud voices anybody could hear them and so did Jungkook.

But,he was a bit shy of women,so he didn't went to greet his neighbors properly..So he stood there feigning ignorance towards that bunch of aunt's....

" You know right?about what happened yesterday night before that supermarket??”,Sooja said as Jungkook spiked his eyes sharp for some seconds finding her words intriguing,as he couldn't decipher the situation before..

“ What  a scenario it was! You know A young guy beat a shopkeeper just because of a quarrel and that shopkeeper is badly hurt and is hospitalized ”,,Aunt Gamri said as Jungkook crunched his brows hearing her.

" I tried to protest that guy's evil deed bravely!! But his glare,just ONE single glare made me regret my words!! He was that scary!!”,This women's voice Jungkook couldn't recognize.

Jungkook was hearing them attentively.But it broke as his friend send him a text.

(From Dork Kyeomie)Kook when are you coming??
Jungkook : Just a bit more than eight minutes, I am just on my way waiting for the bus to come... )

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