4- Midnight

343 11 8

TW- Underage drinking, intentions of nonconsensual hookup, vomiting 

People start to arrive at the party, most bringing various alcoholic beverages. One person even tries to bring weed in, but Sapnap quickly kicks them out.

Karl was mostly just hanging out with Dream and George and whoever they started to talk to. Sapnap was there most of the time, but would get pulled away to talk to people or sort something out.

"Hey. Nimrod." Karl blinks as a hand waves in front of his face.

"Sorry sorry, I just zoned out."

George nods. "I was going to ask if you want a drink? I noticed you haven't had anything all night."

"Oh yeah, I don't really drink. It's just not my thing." He explains.

"Me too, me too," Dream agrees.

"Wow how did I end up stuck with the only two idiots at the party that aren't having fun." George laughs.

"Who says we can't have fun?" Dream asks, defensively.

Karl agrees. "Yeah, I mean look what I have." He lifts his sweater up to reveal a monster energy drink sticking out of the pocket of his baggy pants.

Dream laughs and high-fives him.

George laughs and rolls his eyes. "Ok fine that is pretty good. I guess there's only one idiot here now." He says, taking a big sip of his own beverage.

Sapnap pops into their group. "Hey guys! How's it going?" He looks down at the cup in his own hand and furrows his brow. "Sorry Karl I know you don't drink, do you need anything?"

At that Karl cracks open his white monster and pours it into an unused cup nearby. Sapnap laughs "never mind then."

George rolls his eyes again and smacks Dream's chest. "This massive idiot is the only one not having fun here."

"What!? I'm having tons of fun Gogy, you're just too drunk to see it." Karl did notice that George was starting to look a little less sober the last few minutes.

"That's good enough for me!" Sapnap says. Karl notices that he's also looking a bit drunk. Actually more drunk than Karl initially thought he was. Sapnap's face was flushing a slight pink and he was starting to stumble on his words a bit.

George empties his cup and leans his head on Dream's nearby shoulder, and they both smile.

Across the room someone calls for Sapnap and he turns around, clumsily placing his arm around Karl. "Come on, let's go over there." He slurs.

Karl looks back to the other boys in confirmation, and Dream gives him a nod of encouragement.

"Don't let me... don't let me do dumb things Karl. I say stupid things when I'm drunk." Sapnap says, stumbling slightly, causing Karl to put an arm around the smaller boy's waist.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you out of trouble you nimrod."

"Hi." A blond girl says looking Karl up and down. "I actually just wanted to talk to sapnap."

"No, no Karl stays, Karl's the best." Sapnap smiles, finally standing up straight.

"Whatever." She says. She seems kind of rude, Karl thinks.

"I can just stand over here if you want..." Karl says, stepping away to lean against a nearby wall, but making sure he's ready to catch Sapnap if he starts to fall again.

"What do you need, Callie?" Sapnap asks in a surprisingly conhearent sentence.

"Oh umm, I was just, like, wondering," she glances over at Karl, "do you need another drink?"

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