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Second Person Pov

"Don't you dare move."

Even though you wanted to, you couldn't. It's as if his words were magic. When you tried to move your body away from Inumaki, it was like you didn't have the limbs that would help carry you away from the boy you once knew.

But did you ever really know him? If this was the shit he was capable of when he was 'a little pissed off', you wondered what it would look like if he was mad.

You were paralyzed and once Inumaki realized it too, his hand flew to his mouth, as if he was scared at what he just said. You always knew he was... odd, but acting like his words had power over your physical body? Maybe you should leave him before he gets too out of hand.

Well, you would leave him if you could move.

"I'm... shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Move, if you want to." Again, like his words were an incantation for a spell, you were able to move your body at your own will again.

Weird. You thought as you made your way for the door. "Wait!" he called after you, but you didn't listen. As you reached the doorknob, you felt a cold hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to get so angry I was just... jealous."

"But I already told you Junpei was my cousin, Toge. You knew he was, yet you still threatened his life?"

"It's not my fault I didn't know what your cousin looked like. What, I'm just supposed to know?"

You had never seen this part of him before. The normally quiet and somewhat shy boy you fell in love with was actually a huge asshole.

"Can you hear yourself right now? Even if he wasn't my cousin, that doesn't give you the right to push him up against a wall and say you're gonna kill him if he ever talks to me again."

"Okay but you can never be too sure about these things. Y/n-"

"You're sick, Toge. Really sick. I have an idea of what you meant when you said what you did just now, but I'm gonna hope that I'm wrong. Now I don't know what's going on in that twisted, perverted mind of yours, but Junpei is certainly not like that."


"Then who? Who, Toge? Who are you yelling about if not Junpei? Who else did you push up against the wall and threaten to kill? Hm? I'd really like to know."

He stayed silent, as if he was looking for the words, if they were even there. You knew he just wanted you to agree with him using any means necessary, even if that meant bringing up things irrelevant to the conversation. "You can just never be too careful, okay? I'm just being protective of you, Y/n. These guys, you can't trust them."

"Is it the guys you don't trust," you asked, finally turning around to look at him.

"Or is it me?" Now you took in how he looked. He looked desperate, like if you left his whole world would come crashing down. It almost made you feel bad. Almost. But that was until you remembered you had only been together for two months, surely not enough time for him to build his life around you. "Protective my ass." You turned to leave once more.

"Y/n please... put yourself in my shoes. I'm not the most... secure person and you know that. I always think that there's somebody better than me. Better for you. And that scares me. I don't wanna lose you after I just got you. I'm sorry for overreacting but can you really blame me?"


"Exactly- what?"

"Did you expect me to agree with you?" You crossed your arms over your chest, now looking at Inumaki with some type of disgust in your eyes. "I get it, you're insecure or whatever, but that's never an excuse to act the way that you did. It was foul, vile and most of all, violent." You could hear your voice rising. Before you were mad, yes, but now that you kept thinking about it it really had your blood boiling.

"I've never seen that part of you before and I never want to see it again! Not only did you scare Junpei but you also fucking scared me, okay? You're never like that, so now the idea of you snapping at any moment is just living in the back of my head and I hate it!" Your eyes started to well up with tears. You hated how you cried when you got angry, but you couldn't help it. "And I'm just scared that maybe next time... next time you'll snap at me."

The dam finally broke and you started to silently sob into your hands, Inumaki stood there with a look of shock on his face. He was selfish. He didn't think of how he made you feel. Guilt. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt building up in his chest, he felt like he was going to cry too.

He walked towards you, his arms outstretched. Your body language didn't welcome his advances, but you didn't reject him either. Though hesitant, he eventually engulfed your body with his arms, pulling you into his chest in an attempt to sooth you.

"I'm- I'm sorry, Y/n," his voice came out choked, you could tell he was on the verge of tears too. "I was wrong for acting that way. I didn't think of Junpei or even you. I'm sorry for scaring both of you, I-I didn't mean to and you know that. The last thing I want is for you to be scared of me. Please, forgive me." Slight hiccups broke up his words. You could feel him shake as he held you. He was really rueful about this, wasn't he?

Pulling away from you, he now held your shoulders while he looked you in the eyes. Tear lines stained his face, your shirt now wet with his tears, mirroring his own that was stained with yours. He gave you a small smile. "Let's just forget this, okay?"

You nodded, agreeing to forget that this ever happened.


I. Toge - Don't MoveWhere stories live. Discover now