Y/n is not just a gloomy kid

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Katagiri High school

"Now I'll advice you all to enjoy your summer while you can cos next year you all will be too busy with your final year that you won't be able to have much fun so enjoy it while it last,go to the beach or sum & feel free to invite me girls" A red haired teacher said

"Why would they invite you?" Ishikawa objected

"It'll be pointless for me to go to a beach some couple of guys"Yasuda-sensei retorted

"Oh yeah" Ishikawa seemingly in realization of some sort

"Anyways enjoy your day"Yasuda-sensei said as he left

"Yasuda is hot,but he can't keep his mouth shut" Yuki a blonde haired girl said much to he observer's dismay and this observer happen to be Y/n, Y/n has had a crush on Yuki Yoshikawa for quite a while now but he doesn't plan on ever acting upon it,not like she'd even give him a second of her time or maybe so he thought.

Not until...........

"Ugh, just ignore him"Hori a brown haired girl said

"Did he offend you" Yuki asked Hori

"Yeah" Hori said as she explained Her
'flat chested incident'

"Sorry about that" some random girl said

"Oh Hori a guy from another school asked for your number should I give him?" Yuki asked

"No,he didn't have the guts to ask himself" Hori said rather coldly in Y/n own perspective but as an observer he sees that happen a lot

"Really,again" Yuki said

"Anyways guys wanna go to karaoke I got this coupon that expires today" Ishikawa said

"Oh half off for two hours,not bad"Yuki said observing

"Sorry,I'll have to pass" Hori said

"Oh man,you always pass" Ishikawa said

"Hori-san you dropped your phone"Miyamura said as he gave her the phone and exited the class

"Man,he looks so gloomy" Ishikawa said

"I bet he's an Otaku,probably into those moe stuffs" Yuki said

"Bye gotta go" Hori said as she ran off

"Now that I think of it I didn't take notes" Yuki said

"Sorry me neither,but ask that dude over there I gotta go" Ishikawa said pointing to Y/n

"But I don't know him"Yuki said

"It's okay after all he's in our class,good luck" Ishikawa said as he left,Yuki walked up to Y/n

"H-hey" Yuki said

"Oh hi Yoshikawa-san" Y/n said

"Hi,I wanted to know if you took notes"Yuki Said

"Oh yeah,I did but I gotta study tho" Y/n said with a smile

"Oh"Yuki said a little disappointed,there was a momentary pregnant pause

"T-then could you come study at my place" Yuki asked looking down at her legs

"Huh?" Y/n said

"N-no sorry you don't have to if you don't want to it's just-sorry forget I said anything" Yuki said as she started to walk away but Y/n held her hand stopping her

"Sorry,it's just I meant are you really okay with me coming over to your place so suddenly"Y/n said with a soft smile

"Yeah,sure" Yuki said back

"Then let's go" Y/n said

"Don't you need to call your parents or something"Yuki

"It's okay I live alone so there's not really anyone waiting for me at home"Y/n said as Yuki only nodded in response and decided not to question it for now,as they both Mede their way over to Yuki's house with her asking momentary questions

"L/n-kun,You don't talk much?" Yuki asked

"That's only because I don't really have friends and stuff,guess I'm not just good at those type of stuffs" Y/n said

"Then from now feel free to hang out with me and my friends" Yuki said

"Thanks Yuki-chan" Y/n said as Yuki started to blush and look away only then did Y/n realize what he had just done

"Sorry I didn't mean..."Y/n tried to explain but he was cut off by Yuki telling him it's alright

"It's okay really,I guess I'm just not used to boys calling me by my first name" Yuki explained

"Oh okay" Y/n said,followed by an awkward silence luckily they had just arrived at her house

"We're here" Yuki said as she let Y/n in

"Just relax I'll go get us drinks"Yuki said as she left to go get drinks

"My life is moving way too fast"Is all Y/n could think

Soon after Yuki had returned with the drinks and they both studied for hours Y/n hadn't realized it was already 7:00 guess that's what happens when you spend time with the girl of your dreams

"Oi Yuki, I'm back" some female voice announced

"Welcome" Yuki said

"Her mom?"Y/n thought as the person walked to the living room where they were both studying

"Good evening Ma'm" Y/n said

"Call me Miki,calling me Ma'm make me seem like a mother or something" The blonde haired woman said

"So,she's not her mom,elder sister maybe"Y/n mentally noted

"Yuki you didn't tell me you had an hot model over,I wonder what you both have been up to" Miki said as Y/n started to blush at the comment

"We were just studying" Yuki deadpanned

"Sorry,I gotta go" Y/n said as he stood up to leave but Yuki stopped

"Please stay over for dinner" Yuki said

"Yeah,we're having my world famous curry for dinner" Miki said as Y/n let out a small laugh

"Sure" Y/n said after all how could he say no to the two of them.They all had dinner together before Y/n left to his house

"Y/n huh?" Miki said with a smirk

"Oh shut up" Yuki said as she left to her room


Y/n had just taken a shower as he slipped into some comfy hoodie and baggy pants,he plopped down onto his bed as the events of the day played through his mind

"This is all happening way too suddenly"Is what Y/n could think before he was consumed by his tiredness

To be continued.......

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