Yuki-san to Y/n kun

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Y/n woke up from his sleep grinning like an idiot or so he thought as he had a nice dream about Yuki.

"I better get ready for school" Y/n said getting up as he went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower,his little pet dog looked at him in curiosity as to why it's master was so motivated to go to school cos normally knowing it's owner it knew Y/n never actually liked school in the first place.Y/n locked his door as he exited his apartment he headed over to a convenience store to get something to eat as he had skipped breakfast

"Hmmm,should I get yakisoba or onigiri or...." Y/n got caught off by the sight of a certain blonde haired girl standing next to him

"Yuki-san,good morning"Y/n said

"Oh,Y/n-kun good morning" Yuki replied

"What you doing?"Y/n asked her

"I wanted to get some yakisoba and I also want some ice tea but I forgot my purse at home I can't go back or I'll be late,guess I'll have to skip breakfast today"Yuki said a bit disappointed,of course this did not go unnoticed by Y/n

"How about i pay for you"Y/n suggested

"N-no Don't worry,Besides i wouldn't want to inconvenience you"Yuki said

"Don't worry about it and if you must just think of it as an appreciation for letting me stay over for dinner the other day"Y/n said with a beaming smile that Yuki could not object to

"F-fine but I'll pay you back one day"Yuki said

"Sure whatever you say"Y/n said as he and Yuki got their snacks and he payed as they both left for school


Y/n was currently confused as to what all the commotion in the hall was about

"Hori gave you all the papers I saw it"Yuki yelled but Y/n still hadn't grasped the situation at hand before it could register in his head what is happening he felt a tap on his shoulder

"Y/n-san what is going on"Miyamura asked

"I'm not too sure either"Y/n said

"Hori is being blamed for not handling out the complete papers to the student council"Ishikawa stated as Miyamura took off his glasses and handed Y/n his bags

"Y/n-san please hold this for me"Miyamura said as he stepped forward,Y/n just watched as he did his thing and defended Hori

"I'ma just go home now"Y/n thought to himself as he left the school but before he could get far he heard footsteps behind him he turned to see it was

"Yuki?what's wrong?"Y/n asked

"It's nothing I just thought I'd walk with you today is all that is if you're fine with it"Yuki said

"I thought you'd probably be more interested in walking with Ishikawa or something"Y/n said

"Huh?"Yuki said

"Never mind it's nothing,let's go"Y/n said as he and Yuki walked side by side it wasn't long before Yuki slipped and her shoe got damaged

"YUKI!,are you okay?"Y/n said worried as he picked the girl up

"Yeah,but I think my shoe is busted how am I gonna get home?"Yuki said as Y/n thought for a minute before coming to a conclusion as he knelt down on one knee

"Get on,I'll carry you"Y/n suggested

"No offense but you don't look that strong"Yuki said

"Eh? I may not look it but am at least strong enough to carry you're probably not that heavy"Y/n argued

"B-but...."Yuki was going to object before Y/n interrupted

"Yuki,please we're not left with much of a choice here,plus if it makes you feel that bad my house is close by I can carry you there then I'll lend you some shoes"Y/n said

"As if that will make it any better,you're literally inviting me to your house"Yuki thought to herself

"F-fine"Yuki said as she climbed onto Y/n's back whilst blushing as red as a tomato

"See told you you're not that heavy"Y/n said as he carried Yuki on his back they eventually arrived at Y/n's apartment

"You live alone?"Yuki asked

"Yeah"Y/n answered

"I wonder why"Yuki thought to herself as Y/n carried her inside the apartment and set her down on the chair

"Is there anything you'd like?"Y/n asked

"P-peach ice tea"Yuki said blushing at the fact that she and Y/n we're alone in his apartment which is kinda strange because she didn't feel this way the other day he came over maybe it's due to the fact that she is in a boy's house

"Got it"Y/n said as he left to go get the ice tea as Yuki looked around his house but what has caught her attention was the drawing tablet and the numerous amount of video games and gaming consoles littered around the living room floor as Y/n came back with the ice tea

"Here you go"Y/n said as he gave her the ice tea

"Thanks,Y/n-Kun I had no idea you love video games"Yuki said

"Oh yeah that,I guess you could call it a hobby"Y/n said

"What about that"Yuki said pointing at a drawing tablet

"Oh it's a drawing tablet,I make illustrations and stuff for companies that's how I'm able to get money to survive,but it's vey easy seeing am pretty good at it"Y/n said

"Y/n-kun what about your parents"Yuki asked but what she didn't expect was the response she'd get next

"T-they're dead"Y/n stated a little sadly

"Oh,I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked"Yuki said

"It's not your fault,you didn't know,Plus they've been dead for quite a while so it doesn't hurt any more"Y/n said giving a fake smile that was unconvincing to Yuki but she let it slip

"Okay but if you're ever feeling lonely here's my number,call me and I'll be there to keep you company"Yuki said as she gave Y/n a small piece of paper with her number on it

"Thanks"Y/n said Yuki collected the shoes as she left after making sure Y/n was okay and not sad

"It's been 5 years since then huh"Y/n thought to himself

To be continued........

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