Daves mullet

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" Wait... Dave?" Said y/n with a disturbing tone. " what't is it mate?" Said Dave. " your mullet... can I pet it? " said y/n with a gleam in there eyes. " oh.. um.. ok?" Said Dave hesentaly. Y/n was moments before petting his mullet but he warned them. " oi, mate.. be careful.. my mullet has a mind of its own. It can - " " oh wow! Your mullet is so soft! " said y/n while cutting off Dave. Y/n petted Dave mullet for 5 minutes while completing his mullet. Seconds later the mullet some how grew a mouth and ate y/n whole. " REALLY? EVERY TIME SOMEONE PETS YOU, YOU EAT THEM!!" Said Dave with a furious tone. " hey! Um mister millers" said micheal walking in with Jeremy and Phil. " do yk where y/n is? We were supposed to drive them home?" Dave sighed " no, haven't seen em in a while! " Dave looked like he was sweating at the sight of Michael. Micheal looked at Jeremy, Jeremy looked at micheal. " oh - ok. Thanks anyways..."

( Dave's mullet! How could you eat us!! Ideas by: me! So um.. yeah il be making alot of one shot shorts)

Dave millers mullet Where stories live. Discover now