Schools out for the summer.

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We walked inside the school. Don in front of us.

"Man I was just waiting for one of those idiot coaches to piss me off again." Pink said.

"Come on just shake it off pink." I said. Pink messed my hair up.

"Yea I think you take it to personal." "Don. Do you ever wonder why we play football? I mean how many times have you gone laid strictly because your a football player."

A boy walked through the doors, don looked at him and went to punch him as a joke. We walked through the doors as I apologized to the boy.

"I don't know. A few probably." "Don, all I'm saying is we'd do just as well if we were in a band or something." Don shrugged.

"Alright well we gotta make a final appearance so.." Pink pointed to the door. "Wait, who you got going on there?" Don looked through the door, spotting Vicky.

"Psst Vicky. Vicky. Let's go, skip out. Let's go get naked. Right now come on." I looked at pink, dumbfounded.

"Mr. Dawson. How bout we take it somewhere else." The teacher said. "Mr. Floyd. Miss Davis are you joining us today?"

We looked at each other and back at her. "Might as well." Pink said, we walked inside as don made his final speech to the teacher.

She closed the door on him.

About thirty minutes later the bell rang. The whole class got up.

"Okay guys one more thing! This summer, when you'll be imitated with all of this  American bicentennial Forth of July bruhaha. Don't forget what your celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning , aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay there taxes."

Me and pink went through the crowd of people, out of class. Pink was dodging people left and right. I was way shorter then him so I was getting lost of course.

There was papers flying in the air, cheering and talking.

Then pink grabbed my hand. "You coming or not sandy?" He smiled at me. "Yea Yea I'm coming." He pulled me through the crowd, keeping a tight, but not to tight to hurt me, grip on my hand so I don't get lost, again.

We got outside, heading to Don's truck. Don and Slater were leaning against it.

"Hey I call shotgun!" Pink yelled at we ran to the car. "What?!" Slater scoffed.

"Yea. You and sandy hit the back." "Aw fuck you." I said as took a step on the back wheel.

"Ai tough words coming from a girl who can't even pass gym." Don yelled out. "Hey fuck you! I didn't pass cause I never went."

"Yea Yea. You guys both can't pass we know. Get in the back sandy." Pink said calmly. I

hopped in the bed of the truck as I sat down. Slater got in, pissed. Pink and don got in the front as they rolled their windows down. Don turned the truck on and reeved the engine a few times.

Don drove off quickly, almost hitting a few people as Slater flipped them off when we passed them. It's like teamwork.

We passed the middle school as we saw cars chasing cars. Seniors chasing freshman. And girls getting into trucks. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw my sister being dragged into it.

"Yo is that Samantha?" Slater said pointing to my sister. I looked at him confused. "Samara? Santa? Sandra?"

"That's my name idiot. And her name is Sabrina. You've met her so many times." He shrugged and looked away.

We drove to the diner. We parked the truck where we would have a good view. I opened the bed door and then three took the spot.

"Well where the hell am I supposed to sit?" They looked at me.

"On...the floor?" Don said, growing a tiny smirk on his face. "Preferably on your knees, in front of me?"

Pink smacked the back of his head. 

"Alright alright sorry." Don chuckled and scooted over so there was enough room for me.

I sat on the edge as the three had a quiet conversation without me.

The trucks of the girls drove in as the got all of them out, making them lay on the floor.

And here we go.

The haze.

Hi! I'm sorry for the late updates. I'm moving houses right now so I've been very busy. I'm trying to get as much as I can done with the writing. This is kind of a filler chapter, but the next one will be longer I promise. I hope you guys have a good day. Till next time brothers and sisters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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