Chapter 1 - America

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America was in the living room looking at the stone that she once found when she was 6. The ocean blue stone filled her with passion, strength and bravery. She never knew what the stone meant but, what she did to is turn it into a necklace because it would look good as a necklace. She always wondered why it was in the shape of a half heart, maybe someone left it for them or it belongs to someone who had a great friendship with someone.

"Meh who knows." America said when she got ready. She saw her mother Native America. She had two mother's but one of them died trying to protect her family. She didn't really know how she looked like, but what she did know is that.

"America are you ready?" Native America said (I'll call her Native for short).

"Yes mother just a moment." America replied. She felt as if timed stopped, because it did. So America got a photo of her and her mother and she went downstairs.

"Just to let you know I'll bring back time after we arrive to the bus stop. Ok." Native said to America. America nodded and they both went out the station. When they arrived America noticed how many people are wishing goodbye to their families.

"Wow, I guess this is it. I hope I get to see you soon." America said sadly to her mother.

"Well, it takes time to train, but passes by fast that you won't even know if it's me or time itself." Native said. They both hugged each other very tightly, and said their goodbyes again. America hopped on the bus. She was given a ticket and was told to find her seat. She was looking for a seat until someone called for her attention.

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