5~ Something's wrong

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"Jimin~ah I'm sorry please. I promise I will stay over next time."

"You go around saying that you're my soulmate when you won't sleep over at my place even once and never go out with me alone."

"I really want to be with you tonight. But Jeongguk will be alone at home. Next time when my parents are at home... I will come over to your place and stay for a week...hmm? Please don't be angry with me." Tae said with a pout.

"Okay but you promise right. You can't say otherwise next time. And stop pouting now." Jimin said with a chuckle.

Tae smiled hearing.
"Okie. I love you Jiminnie."

"But Tae can I say something?" Jimin start off nervously.

"You know you can say anything to me Minnie. What is it?" Tae asked not getting why his friend is hesitating to ask a question to him.

"It's about Jeongguk."

Tae listened attentively and signed him to continue.

"Don't you notice something? Like something's wrong with him?"

"Not really...why? He told you something?"
Tae asked confused.

"No Tae it's about you and him. Don't you think he's too overprotective of you. Of course you are siblings and its only natural that he will be protective. But isn't it too much?"

Tae didn't reply.

" You see he don't allow you to go anywhere without him. You both are adults now and he won't let you sleep alone but always with him. Don't you think it's strange? He's behaving like a possessive boyfriend. I saw him even kissing you on your lips last tim...you aren't kids anymore. Everyone who doesn't know you properly always mistakes you two as a couple. It's because you act like one."

Tae was about to say something but he saw Jeongguk coming towards them.

Jeongguk saw the two friends talking to each other. He walk towards them.

"Hyung...let's go now."

Tae looked at him and nodded his head.

He hugged Jimin but too long to the liking of the ravenette.

He scoffed and said
"Tae we are late."
[He usually call him Tae at school and Taehyung doesn't mind it.]

Tae pulled away from Jimin
"Bye Minnie."

Jimin nodded and signed him to go.

Both of them come back home on their car. Just as they settle themselves inside their car Jeongguk said in a stern voice.

"Don't hug him for too long."

"Huh?" Tae asked not getting what his brother is saying.

"Don't hug Jimin for too long."

"Why? He's my friend. What's wrong with that?"
Tae stated as a matter of fact.

"I don't like it when you do that."

Tae didn't reply. He was lost in his thoughts. He recalled what Jimin said earlier.

"But he is my brother...and he can be protective of me...right? But nothing's wrong with hugging Jimin..."
He just shrugged off his thoughts when the car suddenly pulled off.

"What happened Gguk-ah."

"Let's eat takeout today. We both are tired to cook. You stay in the car. I will buy something."

"Oh okay."

Jeongguk went alone leaving Tae drown in his own thoughts.

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