Schools a bitch

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Tw: none <3

Context for story: Tommy is 14, Techno is 16 and Wilbur is 18. Sally and Wilbur are dating. Tommy has ADHD, Depression, and Anxiety (And undiagnosed anger management issues.)

(Tommy pov)

I'm sitting in class trying to keep my anger down. There is a group of kids behind me who brought a speaker to school and they're using to play music extremely loudly. They've been doing this all day in all of my classes and I'm finally fucking done with it. The teacher hasn't done shit and I'm pissed.

"WILL YOU FUCKING IDIOTS SHUT THE FUCK UP" I scream at the top of my lungs causing the whole class to fall silent other than the music in the background. All of the class is looking at me with shocked expressions. "THOMAS! LANGUAGE! OUTSIDE NOW!!!!"

I put all my stuff in my bag, flip the class and teacher off and walk out slamming the door behind me. I walk out to the front gate and crawl under as I am skinny enough to do that. I start walking into the shops area and finally make it to the place I was looking for. Techno's bookshop

I walk in as I hear the familiar sound of the bells and I head towards the back of the store. I sit down on a small beanbag in the back corner of the decently large store. As I sit down I silently start to cry.

"Trouble at school again?" I hear a monotone voice say. I wipe my eyes and look towards the pink haired figure.

"Dont want to talk about it" I mumble just above a whisper. "Thats fine, I'm here when you're ready." "It was them again..." I whisper to my older brother. He nods his head.

I continue to rant to him for the next 30 minutes. A few minutes after Techno and I set into a comfortable silence my phone starts to ring. I pick up the phone and see dad's contact.

"Heyyyyyyy dad" "Tommy. Why did your school just call me saying you're not in class." "Well it's actually a long story" I pass the phone to Techno and mouth 'Help' Techno nods and walks out of the store.

As Techno talks to dad I feel my eyes start to droop. 'No! I can't fall asleep.'

(Techno POV)

A little while after leaving I walk back in, phone in my hand. "Hey Toms. Dad's still at work so do you want to stay here with me or go home and stay with Wil?" I see how tired the poor kid looks. I heard someone up last night but I thought it was Wil since I heard a guitar. Wait... can Tommy play guitar?

"Techy" I zone back in to see Tommy making grabby hands at me. "Do you want to stay with me?" Tommy nods at me. I reach down to pick him up and rest his head on my shoulder. He automatically grabs onto my back and I start walking towards the front of the store. By the time I reach the counter (Which is about 10 steps) Tommy has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I rest him on the counter but keep his head on my shoulder.


I look towards the door to see Niki and Sally. "Hey" I slightly whisper to not wake Tommy "Hey Tech, Wil told us what happened. Is he ok?" "Yeah, he's very clingy though." Just as Niki opens her mouth to talk I hear a small, quiet voice "Techy?" "Yeah, I'm here Toms" Tommy nods his head into my shoulder. "Hey Tommy!" Sally announces excitedly "Hey Sally" Tommy says his voice laced with tiredness.

Sally, Niki, Tommy and I are talking when my boss comes out of his little office space and asks to talk to me. "Umm yeah, Just a sec" I try to let go of Tommy. Keyword Try. He doesn't let go of me at all, his grip is as strong as iron and is not coming undone any time soon.

I walk into my bosses office and sit on the seat with Tommy in my lap. "So Techno, You've been working here for a while and-" "Please don't fire me sir, I'll double my hours, I'll do anythi-" "Uhh I was going to say, You've been working here for a while and I want to give you a promotion" I give Sam a look of shock and embarrassment. "Wait really?!" "Yeah! I'm getting too old to look after the store anymore so I thought you would be the perfect person to take over!" "I- Thank you Sam!!" I yell. Just as I say that I see Tommy cover his ears. "Sorry" I say to my little brother.

Sam and I talk for a few more minutes when eventually we end the conversation. "Oh one last thing Techno!" I whip my head towards Sam then turn my body. "You can have the rest of the day off" "Thanks Sir" I whisper as Tommy is asleep. Sam waves and I leave the office to see Sally and Niki standing near the counter. I grab my small backpack from the staffroom and head for the door signalling for Niki and Sally to follow.

"What happened?" Sally speaks first once we're in my car. "I got a promotion! You are now looking at the owner of L'manburg bookstore!" I say with pride in my tone. "Really?!" Both Sally and Niki ask at the same time. "Mhm!" I say while typing on my phone. "I just told Wil I'm coming home and that I have to tell him something. I'm going to make it seem I got fired." Both Niki and Sally erupt into laughter.

(Time skip to at home)

"So Wil..." I say with my usual monotone voice. "I... got fired" I say as I start to fake cry, it's a skill I picked up from the few years of acting I did. "I'm sorry Tech" Wil says genuinely. Next thing I know I am pulled into a hug. "Get off of me! It was a joke!" I say struggling out of my older brothers grasp. "I know dumbass. You did this last time you were promoted too." "Damnit" "So are you gonna prank dad?" "Hell yeah! Wanna help?" "Sure"

For the next hour and a half Niki, Sally, Tommy, Wil and I sit on the couch watching movies and planning on how to prank dad. "So, I got my boss in on the plan and he sent an email to me saying I was fired for not working enough hours, Therefore dad will see it, get mad, call my boss and we'll tell him the news." "Perfect!"

15 minutes pass before we see dad pull into the driveway. "Hey dad..." I say sadly. "Whats up Techno? Are you ok?" I slightly shake my head and show dad my phone which has the email on it. "Thats bullshit! Give me his fucking number!!" I nod and read out Sam's number.

"Hello. Is this Sam from the L'manburg bookstore?" "Uh yes? Who am I speaking to?" I hear Sam say (The phone is on speaker) "This is Phil Minecraft. Technoblades Dad." "Right, What can I help you with?" "I want to know why you fired my son for 'Not putting enough hours in' He puts in more fucking hours than I do." "Well at L'manburg bookstore we have a standard for our employees, Technoblade isn't what we look for in an employee." "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Dad screams as I cover Tommy's ears. "Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait" I say before anything gets out of hand. "I think its up to me to choose who we employ since I own the place" I say. It takes dad a minute to process what I just said. "Wait that would mean. Did you? What?" "Surprise!" I announce. Dad pulls me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" "Thanks dad!" "Oh also sorry Sam" Dad says "All good mate!"

For the rest of the night everyone just watches movies and eventually Tubbo and Ranboo arrive to hang out with us.



For the whole of this oneshot book I will be writing about my experiences, Ideas and emotions. Also if at any point I misspell or something doesnt sound right please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Eat, sleep, breathe and I'm proud of you <3

(1400 words) 

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