Chapter 34

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"The daughter finally arrived. What took you so long?" Jeongyeon asked while playing with the drink in her hand.

"Yeah, we arrived earlier than you," Chaeyoung added.

"Oh hi, Jennie. Nice to meet you," Jeongyeon said when she finally realized that Lisa was not alone. Jennie was just looking at them quizzically because obviously, she doesn't know these people. Among Lisa's friends and family, she only know Heejin which is also her cousin, Seulgi, and of course Jisoo.

Lisa probably noticed that Jennie is wondering who they are so she held the latter's hand and said, "Oh, Jennie, it might be hard to believe but they're my friends."

"Heyyy." They complained. Lisa laughed before she continued. "Just kidding, this is Jeongyeon, this is Son Chaeyoung, and that person doing aegyo in front of her girlfriend is Moonbyul and they already know you."

"Again, nice to meet you, Jennie," Jeongyeon said. "Nice to meet you too." And they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Jennie." This time it was Chaeyoung. Jennie gave the same response and they also shook each other's hand.

From where they are, they can already see Lisa's mom sitting on her chair while the twins are giving her kisses. Lisa leaned and she whispered "Let's go, we have to greet my mom" into Jennie's ear. Jennie gulped and held on to Lisa's hand tightly before nodding.

As Lisa's mom saw them coming, smile spread through her face. It at least made Jennie feel better. "See, she's smiling at you," Lisa whispered.

"But what if she's smiling at you?" Jennie asked.

"Believe me, she is happy to see you. She knows everything so don't worry my love." Then she kissed the top of Jennie's head.

Every step that they take made Jennie's heart beat faster. Although Lisa kept on reassuring her, the anxiety just won't leave her alone. Like what if Lisa's mom is like her mom or like mother-in-laws in the movies? What if she don't like her on Lisa and the twins' lives?

"I finally meet you! I was wondering why Lisa wasn't introducing you to us. It turned out that she was keeping you for herself," Lisa's mom enthusiastically said as soon as they got to her. Jennie was stunned with the behavior because obviously, she was expecting the woman to give her a cold treatment or even yell at her for being gone for so many years.

"I-Happy Birthday, Mrs. Manoban," Jennie greeted the woman because to be honest, she don't have other words to say. She also handed her gifted and said, "I didn't know what to give you, ma'am but I hope you'll like it."

"Ma'am? What's with the formality? You can just call me auntie or mom would be much better I guess." Lisa mom said and she wasn't kidding.

"Uhh, I'll probably just go with auntie. Nice to meet you, by the way," Jennie said and bowed at Lisa's mom. Then the woman held her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you too, my dear. You know, the girls had been telling me how much you looked like the twins but now I understand. You look exactly like them and you look so much better than in pictures, I swear."

Jennie was once again taken aback because she didn't expect Lisa's mom to treat her like this. She was literally expecting the vicious type of mother-in-law just like in the movies. Seriously, this woman is probably more excited than her mom to see her-oh not probably because she's sure of that.

"I'm sorry, it took me a while to show up," she said apologetically and by that she was also referring to all the years that she was gone.

"You don't have to apologize to me, Jennie. Lisa already forgave you years ago, why wouldn't we? Besides, those things that you and Lisa have been through are not your fault," Chittip said and hugged Jennie. It made her emotional and you can't blame her. Her mom should be like this woman!

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