Don't pretend

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  • Dedicated to YouKnowWhoYouAre.

Don't pretend.

Don't pretend that everything's fine.

I've now noticed everything, you can't hide anything from me anymore.

If you are to...then what's the point?

It's all about trust.

'The best proof of love is trust' - Joyce brothers. 

That's what they it? Really?  You tell me.

I was bound to find out sooner or later...But when were you going to tell me?

When will you come out of your shell and open up?

I know you haven't been happy lately...

I don't think you ever have been. Maybe that's my fault.

So don't put that fake smile on just to cheer me up. It's not going to work anymore.

It's all right to show your feelings

It's okay to cry.

it's okay if you're not feeling your best.

That's why I'm here. I'm here to help.

I'm sorry if you can't trust me, we'll make things work...hopefully.

But that's down to you.

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