Make it Rain

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Levi bolted from car to armored vehicle. One after the other the men and women firing at her parents fell, screaming in fear then being ripped open like an old toy. Her father did his best to stay near her, and her mother moved with inhuman speed and strength. Levi covered her ears upon hearing her father groan and scream in pain as the bullets hissed through his body. His face that once had not a single fascial feature had eyes as red as blood and a mouth full of bloodied teeth sharper than a knife... Cracked covered his face showing anger and frustration. Her mother who was kind and loving now had a look of the purest form of hate. Her fathers pasty white skin was now stained with blood, he mothers faded peach colored skin slightly tainted by the blood that covered her hands. Levi spoted some Jeeps coming in from the north east and grabbed at her fathers waist coat, he looked in the direction she pointed and rushed towards them. Levi ducked down under a vehicle and prayed to whatever God out there to stop the violence. Stop the hell going on. Her tears stung her nonexistent eyes as she cried and prayed. She felt strong hands grab her arms and yank her from under the car. She screamed and kicked at them eventually she used what little strength she had and hyrponed a tendril through one of there chests. The other throw her and she tumbled down a hill.. She hit her head meany times on the way down. Her mind wandered to her father and her planting tulips in the garden, her mother's freash cookies, the cold and warm nights, catching fireflies, climbing trees, learning how to use her tendrils, learning to read and write, add and subtract, the sleepless nights under the stars as they thought her to hunt. All 11 years shes been alive flashed before her as she tumbled down. She hit one final rock and rolled to a stop. Dark blood trickled down the fresh wound as she slipped into unconsciousness...




.~ Where am I?
I can't see anything.. Where am I..? I stand up and try to call out to someone.. Anyone... But no words leave my throat except a dry exhail... Fear shoots itself through my body as I try to call, scream, cry! Tears fall from my chin and onto the dark ground. Tentacle like objects grab and pull at my legs and I try frantically to flee.




. "Hello?" A voice worriedly calls to me.. I try and find where it's coming from.. A.. A light? What? H-how??

"Is she ok?" The light asks. I start to run to the light knowing it's my only way out.

"Hello??" I feel a hand on my chest as if to check if I had a pulse. I continue to run to the light. I reach out for it and-





Levi jults up gasping for air and frantically looking around only to come face to face with another Slender being.

"She's ok!" He suddenly crys
"I'm alive.."
"Well yea! You fell pretty hard!" He smiles showing he has a missing tooth. He didn't look much older then her maybe 11 to 13 years old.
"What were ya runnin from?" He extendeds and hand out to her, and she hestently takes it.
"The-.. I don't want to talk about it.."
"Oh.. Well! I'm Issac(Offenderman)! What's your name??"
"I'm Leviathan. But everyone calls me Levi.."
"Strange name for a girls" he snares teasingly. "We should probably head home before it gets dark." Levi suddenly looks dumbfound.
"Where's.. Where's home?" Issac looks at her, his smile fades as he tilts his head slightly.
"What cha mean?"
"I don't remember where home is.." She looks down at her shoes as she shyly awnsers. She had forgotten eveything that happened only hours before. Lssac takes her hand and pulls her along.
"Well I hope Slenderman doesn't mind, but you can stay with me and my brothers until you do remember!"
She thanks him profusely as they move alone. If she only knew the hell she was about to be put through once more...

(This one is really good. Might make pt.2)

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