The Shack...

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They walked for what seemed like hours and passed the place they had met. The hill still stood... She had a very strong and powerful urge to walk up the hill... Although Levi and Offenderman where holding hands she let him go to scale the hill, he followed after.. Perplexed by her sudden movements and intrest. Once they got to the top they were met with a battlefield... Bodies, aged and dried blood, blow to hell vehicles, and... And 2 bodies... To big to be human... She remembered that night... The fact that her father did his best to stay near her to make sure she was alright, and her mother moved around at a rapid speed to kill off anyone coming to close... She walked closer to the bodies and fell to her knees... This was the crop field... Every things they ever ate was home grown or freshly hunted. The dead wheat, corn, carrots, beets, tomatoes, and more where still withering away as time went on... She stood up and walk in a very specific pattern.. Offender still on her heels. They eventually got to an old shack. The door was busted of its hinges and bullet holes cover the frame and front. There was a swing on one side one of the chains were broken from years of neglect and rust. On the other side there were to wooden rocking chairs. Moled and rot ate at the dark wooded legs.. The rose bushes dug there untamed thorns into the wooden railing. She claimed the wooden steps of the decrepit shack the memories flooded her brain as she took the 3 steps up. The smell of mothers cooking, fathers freash tulips always on the table, hand made toys, a fire always lit in the fireplace, the morning glorys always a bright purple, and the over all smell of the place made her happy. She almost fell to her knees in sadness. Offender figured out that they were kind and loving twords her. To a point. He spotted a picture frame with her, her father and her mother in it. He throw it down not really wanting to open the back and got the photo. It had writing on the back.. It read

'Samuel Adams, Elaza Morgan, and Leviathan Adder'

Different last names... His thoughts ran wild... Or was it a hyphenated last name? No... There is no 'E' in either last name... Did they just give her a last name? He handed her the picture and started looking for any sign that her father kept a journal..

A desk

He rushed to the desk a ripped open each drawer and found the Journal.

December 31, 1799

We had reserved news a Slender being was pregnant. Although great news. She is unable to carry it. I was told I would be put with a woman to play the mother role for this child until it is 18 years of age.

January 1, 1800

I was pared with a lovely Lady named Elaza Morgan. She is beautiful. I can't wait to take on of such a responsibility with her. She talks fondly of her home country. Her voice is enthusiastic and loud. She is a proud woman. We reserve the child today with her birth certificate.

Leviathan Adder
January 1 1800
67 lbs ??? kg

The rest was unlegible. He took of his hat and shoved the book inside(His hat can spawn and despawn things), he would try and make out the rest later. He walked out and help Levi up. Upon leaving the house he teleported back to Splendors knowing damn well he can't tell Slenderman shit.

"Are you ok?"
"Yeah.. Just a bit woozy.. I haven't teleported in a while." Levi said rather embarrassed
"Ah! Ya lazy bitch!"
"Oi' ya dick head!" She smacked the back of his head before pulling him up the steps to Splendys. She had pushed the picture into her pocket. She was confused about the different names as well, but didn't know if he knew. When they reached the living room she shoved him to the couch and walked away, hips swaying. She reached her room and put the picture in the Journal she kept under a lose floor board near her bed. She hoped he didn't grab anything else from the house. She would like to look through and renew the Shack herself.

(I would like to note on thing. I am NOT Leviathan(Levi). I just go by Levi. Levi is my OC. No this is not how she really mets the brothers. She

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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