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Hey guys, just want to let everyone know that I'm remaking this book into a text-to speech book so it doesn't get confusing since I'm not good with marking sentences... So yeah I'm changing it... That's all.

The story starts off at a Mansion where picture frame of a white haired boy and his family.

In the living room, the same white haired boy, but in a different age is resting at the couch while talking to his parents from the phone.

Dad: Look Y/n we understand that you want the company, but it's not gonna happen.

The boy known as Y/n then replied.

Y/n: So you're giving your inheritance to my little brother?

Mom: In a matter of speaking, yes. He's more capable of understanding, business management, plus I heard that he's created a small business for school supplies--

???: Then I'm fine with it.

Dad: A-are you sure?

Y/n walks over to the window whilst saying.

Y/n: Of course, after all, I should let my little bro win this time, it's only fair since I've already win several competition against him.

At the corner of the room can be seen Trophies of Y/n's achievement's. Basketball, Football, Chess, Archery, Swimming, Golf, Pool, Baseball, Volleyball, Tenis, etc.

???: Well if that's what you want--oh yeah I forgot to tell you, one of my friend is producing a "Reality TV show".

Y/n: And? Why should I care?

???: Well I was just thinking since we hold half of percent of the show itself, I figured I could lend you a hand and play--

Y/n: I don't have time for that.

Dad: O-Oh, okay... Anyways thank you for hearing me out, bye.

And with that he ended the call, leaving Y/n watching a picture of young version of him and Kitty.

Y/n: If only I could find you.

The boy sighe just in time before his butler arrives with Heather Beside him. Y/n quickly hid the picture and turned to her.

Y/n: Oh? I wasn't expecting you're arrival, what seems to make you come here?

Heather: Oh! You would not believe it!

She said with enough enthusiasm, while Y/n raised his eyebrows. Heather turned to him and said.

Heather: Y/n! I get to be in Total Drama Island! I get to be on Tv! EEEEH!!

She screamed, almost shattering the entire glass. Y/n and his butler could only stare with deadpan as she enjoys herself.

Y/n: Oh~ good for you~

Y/n said with sarcasm. Tbh when they were kids, Heater was his third childhood friend after Kitty. She actually grew fund of him and promise to be his future wife someday, but Y/n loves Kitty more than her, so he just let her in his life but doesn't pay attention to all of her romantic acts towards him.

Y/n turned to his butler and raise his eyebrows, meaning that he wants him to make an alibi.

The butler took a second to understand before saying.

Butler: Oh! Ms Heather, sir L/n may I assist you to the dining hall? The maids have serve Lobsters, Shrimps and Steaks.

Heather: Lobster and Steak? Oh I would love those.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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