05 ❈ Discovering Feelings

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'Don't worry, Y/N, you can cry all you like. This is a safe space."


'I'm here.'


'I'm here for you, Y/N.'

Kazuha is that you?

'Yes. Wake up now.'


You slowly opened your eyes and looked to your left to see Kazuha in school uniform sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. He smiled, seeing you awake made him happy.

"Good morning, Y/N. How was your sleep?" Kazuha put his hand on yours and started to gently caress it.

"Huh? Kazuha?" You mumbled, you could barely open your eyes, they felt so heavy. "I slept well... I haven't slept this comfortably in a while."

Kazuha lifted himself from the edge of the bed, and made his way to the door. "I made you breakfast, you don't have to eat it though. It's downstairs on the table."

Kazuha then left the room.

He made me breakfast? How thoughtful of him...

You forced yourself to sit up and eventually pushed yourself out of bed. You opened the wardrobe to see that Kazuha had hang all of your clothes, and neatly stored all of your belongings.

He even put my stuff away...

You couldn't help but slightly grin at the sight of all of your personal items neatly stowed away for you.

You picked out your school uniform and quickly dressed yourself. You then saw your phone on the bedside table, and picked it up to check the time.

Wednesday 07:32am, September 29th

You had enough time to eat breakfast, so you put your phone in your pocket, and made your way downstairs.

You saw Mochi and Kazuha's cat lying down together. Seems like they were already the best of friends.

"I already fed Mochi, so don't worry about feeding him again." Kazuha mentioned, leaning against the wall.

"Ah, thank you." You replied, Kazuha had already done all the hard work for you, and you were grateful for that.

You sat down at the table and saw that Kazuha had make you some toast with butter spread on top, simple but you ate it anyway.

The first bite filled you with energy, and you no longer felt like falling asleep again. You quickly finished off the toast, and rushed upstairs to brush your teeth and sort out your hair.



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