Chapter 1-Willow's Arrest.

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A/N:The Cookies have Different names in this au, And also as for how  chapters are gonna work Im gonna be writing from different Povs but the same setting   In different Parts, For example this chapter is from the Pov of  Charolette (Player) during Alleys where as the next  one is going to be Willows pov.

I hope you enjoy this wild ride kids.

Charolette's POV:
I was in the Police station Looking through case files as I always did, As of the moment me and my Partner Aspen, have been trying to track down a cerntain theif, We know that the criminals name is Willow Conners. And that she has been identified as a wolf.Reccently Aspen has managed to track down a possible location of where she could be  staying, and our cheif demands that we search the area at once.

"Hey you two ready to go?" Called out Devon(Doggy) I turned around in my office chair and nodded,"Yep, All set im  just waiting for Aspen to get back from the bathroom." I reply to him clicking my pen and shutting the yellow folder contaning of all the files on the case. "Lets go." I hear Apsens voice call out, I got up and followed him to the exit, Devon following us close behind.

"Did chief  send you to  come with us?" Aspen Asked, Devon nodded "He said that there may have ben speculations of a second criminal working closely with Willow. And that you two maybe in need of backup." He explained "And he never told us about the possbility of a second criminal?!."

"Then again you know how he is Charolette, Never tells anyone anything no matter how important  the info is till the last minute." Aspen  adds into the conversastion,"Yeah, Well thats one more issue on our hands."

"Thats why im Here, so that you guys have some sort of help." Devon  said in a chuckle,"I suppose, but  lets not waste our time here chatting, we have a criminal to catch." I  replied before hopping into the police  car in the  front Passanger seat.

I wasnt the best driver, so Aspen  drived us all the time in order to not get ourselves   In a wreck, Devon sat in the back seat. The drive there was Quiet and no one seemed to have anything to say, but nonetheless I tried sparking somewhat of a conversastion.

"So.. you said she might be in some Alley right?" I asked Aspen,"Yes I did sounds Cliché I know, but its our best bet." "And.. what else about the criminal?" I asked further.

"I dont know Charolette, maybe shes  some kind of Fucking weird  Emo teenager?" Aspen replied,"Sounds like  this is gonna be a wattpad fanfiction of a case." Devon commented. "We never know, either shes some teenager  wanting to be quirky  or not like other girls or  its something more complicated."

"Speak of the devil were here." Aspen  says parking at the side of a sidewalk. I got out of the car, the location was an alleyway, squished between two brick buildings just like in films, there was a dumpster nearby there and an entrance to a resturant on the left and to the right was some sort of motel. It was empty and quiet, messy and confusing.

"Alright detective are you sure shes here? seems like nobody is." questioned Devon, I couldnt blame him this place seemed like a barren wasteland."My investigations led me to this place, Im sure shes here." Replied Aspen looking at the area not even facing Devon.

"Lets make this Arrest quick then."

Me and Aspen headed into the resturant looking around for any clues,"Theres nothing here, do you say we split up?" I asked him,"Sure but if this ends like a horror movie, im gonna be pissed at you." Aspen replied before heading off into the other building, I went futher into the resturant and into the storage closet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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