Part 2

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Rain was pouring on the cars as they made their way back to the Visitor's Centre through the heavy storm that had hit the island. You were busying yourself with trying to see if any dinosaurs were out and about but it was impossible to make out anything through the thick rain – besides, you suspected that most of them had sought out shelter from the storm. Ian was looking out the window while Alan was fanning himself with his hat. Ellie had stayed back with the Triceratops which irked you a bit since she had been the one that had insisted on you getting in the same car as her. Nonetheless, you were happy that Alan was still there and Ian had stopped trying to talk to you about your past relationship.

All was well until the cars suddenly stopped outside the T-Rex paddock. You sat up and looked around. Both Ian and Alan looked just as confused as you. When you looked out the front window, you saw that the other car had stopped, too.

"What happened?"

"The power probably went out due to the storm." Ian mused and tapped the camera in the car again. "John? John, are you there?"

But there was no answer.

"The power really seems to be gone." Alan commented and leaned back in his seat, sipping his water. "But I'm sure it'll come back on in no time."

"But if the power went out wouldn't that mean that the fences lost power, too?"

The two men looked up at that, seemingly only now realising what that meant. Their discomfort only unnerved you more because it was confirming that there was indeed something to be worried about. Ian looked back at you and upon seeing your discomfort, he leaned in a little closer so he could whisper something to you.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. If the fences are usually powered, the dinosaurs would probably not think of touching them."

He was doing his best to comfort you and you really appreciated it but you both didn't really believe his words. Both of you knew how smart the animals could be. After all, you two had seen the raptors testing the fences for weak points. You just hoped the raptor fences were on a different power grid.

"I'm checking on the kids."

You looked up at Alan's exclamation and quickly called after him as he left the car with a flashlight. "Be careful!"

Once Alan was gone, Ian looked back at you. "I know this might be the last thing you want to hear right now but I'm going to say it."

"Please, Ian, if this is about our relationship again--"

"I know you don't want me back and I get it but I've had a lot of time to think about us, about how we split up and about how much I must have hurt you. And I want to say that I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me but I want you to know that I still care about you. And that means I will do my best to keep you safe should anything happen here."

His look was so full of sincerity and care that tears sprung to your eyes which you quickly tried to blink away. All these years, you had thought that Ian had left you because he simply hadn't cared about you but apparently, he still did. It made you wonder about the real reason for the break-up but you decided to talk it out with him once you got back to the Visitor's Centre.

"Thank you, Ian." You smiled gently. "That means a lot. But don't you worry, I'm sure you won't have to keep me safe. I'm sure we'll be just fine."

"I hope you're right about that."

"Have you already forgotten our relationship?" You joked softly, smiling at him. "I'm always right."

Ian chuckled at that, his shoulders relaxing at your joke. "I remember. You were always right. I'm sure that hasn't changed."

Mister Chaos- Ian MalcolmWhere stories live. Discover now